"First-Time Sewing Adventure:sewing a dress for a kid"

in NeedleWorkMonday28 days ago

Sewing is a very valuable skill.It allows us to repair our clothes,make designs of our choice,create unique garments and show our creativity.
Greetings to everyone in this community. Today i am here with a sewing work which i have never done before and i am trying to learn sewing these days.I personally am so obssesed with sewing because if you know this skill you can transform a fabric in whatever design you want.It is a form of creative and fun hobby and i can't wait to learn this skill as soon as possible 😁😁.

(Video edited in capcut)
As i am a newbie in this work so i took a piece of old fabric and decided to sew a outfit for a 3 to 4 years old.

I dont know anything about sewing but my mom and my sisters do so my mom helped me and taught me how we are gonna stitch the pieces.she helped me with cutting of the fabric and then I sat down with my machine (sewing machine)to start sewing .I was so excited that i sewed the whole outfit in one go.

The process

1)Firstly we need to cut our fabric according to the size of person for whom we are making the outfit.

2)Then we will start by stitching the bottom part because its easy to stitch.

As you can see in the pictures i first stitched the upper part of the trouser and then the bottom part.
3)Now we will start sewing the top. I sewed a frock so first i made a upper piece and then attached the lower piece with it and sewed it from the sides.

And our outfit is done.

Honestly it was not that simple as it looks.I spent my whole day sewing this dress and my mom scolded me so many times while making this dress 😒😒.She was so done with me and she told me we can make half of dress in tomorrow's morning but i was like no i want to see the end results today and she left me and said ok do it on your own and luckily my aunt visited us and she guided me and i completed the dress.
I really loved the dress and can't believe i sewed it myself😊.
Let me know your opinions regarding the dress.
See you soon with some more creations.
Bye Bye💞💞
Take care.


Great outfit


Haha that mother part was so relatable 😅.
By the really nice dress, it's hard to make a full dress in a day. Good work bro! 👏

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Thank you for appreciating bro🤜🤛

This dress is really pretty and wearable.
