At Last My Last Year Crochet Bucket Hat Project...Done

in NeedleWorkMonday8 months ago

Hello everybody,

Last November 14, we were just at home, grateful much because I've got time to arrange some of my yarn stash. Then, I saw the bucket hat I started as far as I can remember that was end of the month of September 2022. It was almost done, I did'nt know why I abandoned it. Just keep in a plastic bag with all the materials intact. Actually I started it as pair for the this bag I made as a gift for our neighbors wedding.


This was the gift bag. I rememberrd their wedding day was Oct 01, 2022.


I checked the bucket hat that afternoon and joined the crown part to the side of the bucket hat plus the brim.


I counted the number of stitches for both part, I found out the brim part have many number of stitches that the crown part. What I did, I crochet each with single crochet and skip one stitch at the center of the granny flower all around that round. After finishing that round, I counted it again I was happy and surprise they already have the smae number of stitches both the crown and the brim, hmm. so easy to join by inserting the cord in each stitches for both pieces.



What a perfect clean joining! Then, I weaved the ends and light the edge with lighter to secure the ends.

As usual, I tried it on, then, hubby noticed what I made. He asked me, who will be the owner of the bucket hat. I told him I plan to give it to my cousin. I was surprised, he told me not to give it but keep it for my self for my own use because it looks good on me, ahahaha! I then took my selfie.


Ayiiiee! I liked it, too.

Thanks for dropping by...





Ahh it's cute and you do look great in it! You can craft for yourself too! :)

Oh thanks much @phoenixwren I always make something for someone yeah I forget about myself

Hey @jurich60, here is a little bit of BEER from @phoenixwren for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Thank you much.

That's a cute looking bucket hat. Hope to have one. 😁

What is your favorite color Sis @me2selah ?

Blue 💙

 8 months ago  

This hat is so beautiful. I love the colors.
Congratulation for so lovely project.

Thank you much @kattycrochet for loving the bucket hat

this material is very fashionable to bring the bags, this week i was in the yarn store where i like to buy and the manager told me that these bags are very well seen in the market. your hat is beautiful, i think that soon i will be copying your model hehehe

Sure...make one, I used cord for durability.

Nicely finished! !PIZZA


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@fiberfrau(2/5) tipped @jurich60

Oh, thank you much...