NeedleWorkMonday: Crocheted Simple Checkered Beanie For My Cousin

in NeedleWorkMonday6 months ago

Hello everybody,

For my cousin, done.


Month of December is already approaching then I have not still give my cousin what I promise to her, to make beanies she can use in going to church at dawn mass. As I back read our chat history in FB messenger, ho! my! She requested since last month of February!

Her favorite is pink and white colorway, but my available yarn color is pink mostly pink cotton. So, last November 18, I started crocheting a checkered beanie where I found the tutorial in YouTube. Using Monaco Cotton 5 ply using 1.9mm steel hook with two colors to achieved the chekered effect.




Then, on this round my work started waving, maybe I loosen my tension.


On this round I stop increasing stich count, double crochet all around in each stitch so the waving stopped started the side of the beanie.


On this round, I was tired and noticed that my phase was too slow so I decided not to continue but instead frogged it all. So, I placed it upinside the plastic bag and forget it. That was when I decided to finished my abandoned projects. Like the one I made last week's post. But, when I finished the pink granny bucket hat, hubby told me not to give the bucket hat, it will be for my mine. So, I was worried already what will I give to my cousin.

Then, last week I decided to continue the Chekered Beanie, even though my phase was

slow because the two colors twist each other, I patiently crocheted it. At last, last Friday, it was done!


I now can give something to my cousin. I called her yesterday, telling her I can deliver the Beanie anytime we can travel. But, I was sad because she can't use it for dawn mass because she is schedule for a gallbladder operation. Prayer sent to her for a successful operation.Hoping we can travel and give the beanie to her in person.

Just until here, sharing to you the story of Crocheted Simple Chekered beanie.

Thanks for dropping by ...





This is really cute, I love the colors so much, they work well together.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

 6 months ago  

Simply beautiful,I love it.

I love the colors you picked for the checkered stitch.