Swimming pool camouflage – sewing a lingerie set

Bright blue lingerie and sunny days are reminding me that summer will eventually come back around the corner. Makes me want to jump in the pool. But the pools are still covered with tarps and the water is green and not blue from the algae.

Meanwhile the sun and the blue bewitch me, and I can almost smell the blooming flowers that are nowhere near yet. Hard to believe that the origin of this swimsuit-lingerie set lays in a moment of complete frustration.

Some weeks back I found a piece of, as I thought, awesome silk fabric. Knitted instead of woven, so the structure makes the fabric elastic.
Stretchable silk?! What a dream!

Silk leggings, silk lingerie… all that could be possible now.

To explain my excitement, silk feels awesome on the skin. But since most of the time it comes as a woven fabric, it isn’t stretchy whatsoever. That is why it isn’t possible to sew stretchy clothes such as leggings with it.

I decided to make this my new favourite project, meaning I was willing to put a lot of dedication into it.

Starting devotedly by brainstorming about the perfect colour.

To then dying the fabric.

Chemicals, measurements and hours of waiting, later I discover, that my fabric doesn’t take the colour at all.

Turns out it wasn’t even silk in the first place. A wrong tag mislead me to assume and the enthusiasm prevented me from double checking.

I am standing there now with a dirty white huge piece of fabric, that I do not want to work with at all.

Complete resignation is difficult in such a moment. It is getting late I am tired and now I should just leave it at the frustration?
I grab some nylon, throw it into the dying pot.

Some swimming pool blue nylon is the result of that day.

Not too bad.

Nylon has the awesome characteristic of drying quickly while it is stretchy and reflects every colour in bright shades.
That lead me to the idea of making a swimsuit out of it quite instantly. Additionally encouraged by the clear blue vibrant colour of the fabric, that reminds me of a swimming pool in the summer sunlight.

The flickering light changing the surface of the water with every breeze that is touching it.

This is where I grab my fabric box and pull out the piece of material, that once caused me a headache and a frustrated evening. And feel that the time is just right to give it a try.

Meanwhile I find it difficult to choose from all the ideas and projects I want to sew. I did set some boundaries. I am trying to sew only things that I can truly love and use all the time. Such as my latest trouser conversion venture. Or sew for the learning-of-new-skill’s sake.

This lingerie-swimsuit set combines the two.

I don’t have to choose between swimwear or lingerie, while the first is pretty much just taking space in the closet for most of the time. When I go swimming, I tend to forget any swimming gear anyways. I barely manage to carry a towel with me, but making a difference between lingerie and swimwear was never a strength of mine.

While the learning part, was trying out techniques on how to sew stretchy and delicate fabric with my old Viking (that’s the sewing machine).

Turns out it might not be ideal, but it is very possible.

Cutting out fabric using a pattern, I made a while ago...

...thats for the bottom part

…and copying the pattern of a bralette I like for the top


…choosing threads


...creating off cuts

...my favourite part

...et voilà!

the top

the bottom

The sunny days are already here, the lingerie set is made now I must wait for the swimming pools to uncover to dive in, camouflage myself in the clear blue chloride water.

Or I leave them be and go on a search for some ice blue mountain rivers reflecting the sunshine, to swim in.

Eighter way it was a pleasure to have you around! Have a wonderful week!

As usual all photos are mine taken by me during and after the project.


Mmmmm - beautiful dear beautiful @kesityu.fashion !! I love your colour adventure! ooooh, that idea of stretching silk sounded good, eh!

I love your shapes of the bikini; really gorgeous and flattering... and you just used zigzag stich, eh - no serger/ overlocking stitching? That is good to know: I am still experimenting-not-very-successfully with making underwear, and I know it'll click eventualy, then I'll make loads of beautiful knickers!! In the meantime, all my old cotton undies are wasting away, and I won't buy new because I know I can do it... Hahah!

Much love to you!

💜💜 Thank you!!!

And yes the silk, well I will definitely keep my eyes open, there must be such a thing as stretchy silk!:)

Yes no overlocking! In fact small zickzack stitches hold even better I find! (I am positively surprised myself)
It does take some time, I still fuck up some and some others work fine, but then when it works, lingerie is just great, you have so many options with not much fabric, its awesome:)

You did a great job and I love how you took your time to explain effortlessly. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you, it's nice to hear that from you!!:)

To explain my excitement, silk feels awesome on the skin.

Same here, same here!

Dammit, you have serious coloring lab there!:D I've tried coloring just once, in washing machine but it was jeans which is easy to be done.

Love the color, love the high waist, but I'm bored with repeating how much I enjoy your passion...


Put some gloves on and you'll feel like a chemist straight away, even if you dye in the washing machine😉

It is still awesome to hear every time!! (even tough expressing that gets difficult through writing as well)

It is still awesome to hear every time!! (even tough expressing that gets difficult through writing as well)

Next time I'll just scream, like all typical girls seeing THAT piece! 😏

I hate gloves...

Lol 😂oke lets do it like that!

It’s a good thing you decided to continue on even after finding out the truth about the first fabric. Eeek, I could just feel how frustrated you were in that moment of deceit.

Your end result is wonderful! I love that color which will camouflage you as you enjoy that cool water this Summer. I enjoyed reading and seeing the process of it all. Thank you for continuing to inspire us ~ 💓

Thank you for your words!! Its truly inspiring to hear that💜
...and it is a pleasure to be able to share what I love to do, and see others doing the same!

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This is nice... Well done

Aaaaaaaaand.... now you're dying your own fabric! 👀

You're a marvel. The end 🔥

your enthusiasm, is the best!
thank you!!

You threw me into a completely different story. I have the impression as if I traveled through the great blue or watched an exotic movie like "The Sheltering Sky".

Original, well done!

Oh thats nice to hear!!
I never watched the movie, I guess I should:) Thank you!

I love reading your stories and seeing that you never stop. I am sure that the broken dream of stretchable silk must hurt, I hate it when I have something specific I want to work with and does not happen for a reason, but you created an awesome lingery set for yourself.
Lovely color btw❤️

Thank you😊💛
yes the disappointment isn't easy, but then it feels even better afterwards if something finally comes out, that you really like!

Muy bien por tus buenas ideas, gracias por enseñar lo que sabes.

Omg, I love the color, it looks gorgeous on your skin.

Thank you😊💙

Yay! 🤗
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Damn, I love the results! If only I would be able to create my own swimming pool sets too! It's so hard to find something that I like and it suits my body..

Thank you!!!
Yes it is difficult, especially trousers and underwear, i find. That was/is one of my bigger inspirations to sew my own clothes, actually:)

WOW, youre getting PAID $100 in HIVE just to do sewing work?

Its like HIVE must be a dream for women now, they have ladiesofhive cryptogirlgang the MOTHERHOOD community and MAKEUP POWER and now this NEEDLE WORK SEWING crochet community???? Women will be making their own clothes, seling them on @nftshowroom for hive and having real products liek an etsy soon

an etsy type dapp for hive, redoing the whole dstor idea from steem, now that would be huge for hive users, to get to make money showing off how they make their products and then sell them for hive as nfts with real delivery of products liek etsy etc :)

Yes that is pretty awesome indeed!
Also came with some dedication and consistency.. Wait I thought nftshowroom are for digital nfts, how would you sell objects such as clothes as nfts?
But for sure crypto version of etsy would be pretty cool!

you share the best thing ever .the summer season is coming and this is very helpfull to all who loves summmer,thanks for sharing these .