in NeedleWorkMonday2 years ago
Hello dear community that reads me, God bless you, today I want to tell you about my first son, the person who opened the doors to motherhood, to walk the path of being a mother for the first time💖.

Hola querida comunidad que me lee, Dios les bendiga, hoy quiero contarles sobre mi primer hijo la persona que me abrió las puertas a la maternidad, a recorrer el camino de ser madre por primera vez💖.

My first experience as a mother

Mi primera experiencia como madre


In my first relationship I had my beloved daughter Alexa👶, from the first moment I knew I was pregnant, I always talked to her in my belly and called her by her name. I had many contradictions in pregnancy, I got sick with a urinary tract infection, I acquired the Escherichia coli bacteria, which did not disappear when the time came to give birth. At that time I did not have any clothes to put on the child, however, God had mercy on me, there were people who gave me used clothes, but in good condition, with that I dressed my little girl.
En mi primera relación tuve a mi amada hija Alexa👶, desde el primer momento que supe que estaba embarazada, siempre le hablaba en la barriga y la llamaba por su nombre. Tuve muchas contradicciones en el embarazo, me enfermé de una infección urinaria, adquirí la bacteria Escherichia coli, que no desapareció cuando llegó el momento del parto. En ese momento no tenía ropa para ponerle a la niña, sin embargo, Dios se apiadó de mí, hubo personas que me dieron ropa usada, pero en buen estado, con eso vestí a mi pequeña.

When she was born she was beautiful💮, she looked like a cotton ball, whiter than snow, she had no hair, her eyebrows were indistinguishable, she weighed 3.00kg and was 70 cm tall. When the pediatrician came to the room to check the girl and me, I explained to him that I had the activated bacteria, they sent the girl for immediate blood tests, which were positive, she had a generalized infection in her blood, which I transmitted to her by the microbe, they took her out of my hands to take her to the children's hospital, where she would receive treatment, it was very painful as if they had torn half of my soul out of me.

Cuando nació era preciosa💮, parecía una bola de algodón, más blanca que la nieve, no tenía pelo, las cejas no se distinguían, pesaba 3,00kg y medía 70 cm. Cuando el pediatra vino a la habitación para revisarnos a la niña y a mí, le expliqué que tenía la bacteria activada, mandaron a la niña a hacerse inmediatamente unos análisis de sangre, que fueron positivos, tenía una infección generalizada en la sangre, que le transmití por el microbio, me la quitaron de las manos para llevarla al hospital infantil, donde recibiría tratamiento, fue muy doloroso como si me hubieran arrancado la mitad del alma.
I went every day to breastfeed her. I started to notice that she had a problem in her left eye as she suckled my breast her left eye was dancing and the eyelid in comparison to her right eye was drooping, then I healed the infection and she was delivered to me. She was growing up and still had the same defect. When school started, I separated from her father and went to live with my parents. I had nowhere to go, I had to stay there, I got my job, I sought medical help to tell me what the girl had in her eye, the ophthalmologist determined that she had a Palpebral Potosis, that is why her eyelid fell and the Marcus Gunn Syndrome, reason why the facial nerve was stuck to the optic nerve, that is why every time she ate her eye did the same function of the mouth.
Fui todos los días a amamantarla. Empecé a notar que tenía un problema en su ojo izquierdo cuando mamaba de mi pecho su ojo izquierdo bailaba y el párpado en comparación con su ojo derecho estaba caído, entonces le curé la infección y me la entregaron. Ella crecía y seguía teniendo el mismo defecto. Cuando empezó el colegio, me separé de su padre y me fui a vivir con mis padres. No tenía donde ir, tuve que quedarme allí, conseguí mi trabajo, busqué ayuda médica para que me dijeran que tenía la niña en el ojo, el oftalmólogo determinó que tenía una Potosis Palpebral, por eso se le caía el párpado y el Síndrome de Marcus Gunn, razón por la cual el nervio facial estaba pegado al nervio óptico, por eso cada vez que comía su ojo hacía la misma función de la boca.

A different stage in my life

Una etapa diferente en mi vida

While I was working she stayed with my mother, I gave her love and a good education, however, I noticed when she studied with her, her learning was deficient, I made the decision to take her to a psychologist, she was detected with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD). Her father did not help with the child support, I had to be father and mother at the same time.
Mientras yo trabajaba ella se quedó con mi madre, le di amor y una buena educación, sin embargo, noté que cuando estudiaba con ella, su aprendizaje era deficiente, tomé la decisión de llevarla a un psicólogo, le detectaron Trastorno por Déficit de Atención (TDAH). Su padre no colaboró con la manutención, tuve que ser padre y madre al mismo tiempo.
I worked so hard, I managed to get her to pass the high school level. She only reflected that I was a bad mother, she expressed herself very badly about me. I went back to rebuild my life, I got married for the first time and he helped me a lot with my daughter. When she got to high school she was a victim of bullying, I had to take her out of there, she could be assaulted until she died.
Me esforcé mucho y logré que aprobara el nivel de secundaria. Sólo reflejaba que yo era una mala madre, se expresaba muy mal de mí. Volví a rehacer mi vida, me casé por primera vez y él me ayudó mucho con mi hija. Cuando llegó al instituto fue víctima de acoso escolar, tuve que sacarla de allí, podía ser agredida hasta morir.
I decided to enroll her in a high school for adults, there were people there with bad behavior, however, they allowed me to accompany her until she finished her shift, the day I could not accompany her because she left work very late, my mother or my husband accompanied her until we graduated the girl in high school✨🎇🎆.
Decidí inscribirla en un instituto para adultos, allí había gente con mal comportamiento, sin embargo, me permitieron acompañarla hasta que terminó su turno, el día que no pude acompañarla porque salió muy tarde del trabajo, mi madre o mi esposo la acompañaron hasta que graduamos a la niña en el instituto✨🎇🎆.

Adolescence deficit stage

Etapa de déficit de la adolescencia

.When the time came to have a boyfriend I was very worried, she is a very naive girl👰, I guided her a lot about the bad things in life, I showed her my confidence so that she would have self-confidence.
Cuando llegó el momento de tener novio me preocupé mucho, ella es una chica muy ingenua👰, la orienté mucho sobre las cosas malas de la vida, le mostré mi confianza para que tuviera seguridad en sí misma.
Some time later I found out that my daughter had contact with her biological father, who is in Germany and had intentions of taking her away, I had no problem with her leaving, it would contribute to her emotional balance, however, I had to take her, anyway, she was 16 years old at the time. One afternoon I came back from work, I missed her presence, I asked for her, my mother told me that they had gone downtown, suddenly the girl was lost among the people, most probably she had gone with her father, I felt a great melancholy, I spent 15 days without sleeping, 15 days of tears of blood with my husband, my husband, God, I did not know anything about her, where was she?, who was she with? .
Tiempo después me enteré que mi hija tenía contacto con su padre biológico, quien está en Alemania y tenía intenciones de llevársela, yo no tenía problema con que se fuera, eso contribuiría a su equilibrio emocional, sin embargo, tenía que llevarla, de todas maneras, ella tenía 16 años en ese momento. Una tarde volví del trabajo, eché de menos su presencia, pregunté por ella, mi madre me dijo que se habían ido al centro, de repente la niña se perdió entre la gente, lo más probable es que se hubiera ido con su padre, sentí una gran melancolía, estuve 15 días sin dormir, 15 días de lágrimas de sangre con mi marido, mi esposo, Dios, no sabía nada de ella, ¿dónde estaba?, ¿con quién estaba?.
One early morning, already asleep due to mental fatigue, my cell phone rang, it was her, asking me to help her come, she had witnessed very ugly things in that place, I made all the arrangements to bring her. I went with my husband to accompany me, because we did not have the exact time she was going to arrive, after a few hours there was a moment in the early morning that the passenger terminal was alone, there was only us and God who accompanied us, suddenly the bus arrived under the people, among them was her, I was excited to see her, but she with her look, avoided me.
Una madrugada, ya dormida por el cansancio mental, sonó mi celular, era ella, me pedía que la ayudara a venir, había presenciado cosas muy feas en ese lugar, hice todos los arreglos para traerla. Fui con mi esposo para que me acompañara, porque no teníamos la hora exacta en que ella iba a llegar, después de unas horas hubo un momento en la madrugada que la terminal de pasajeros estaba sola, solo estábamos nosotros y Dios que nos acompañaba, de repente llegó el bus bajo la gente, entre ellos estaba ella, me emocioné al verla, pero ella con su mirada, me evitó.

She continued with her bad temper towards me, she did not want to follow my advice as a mother, when she was 19 years old I allowed her to have her boyfriend with whom she got pregnant, when the boy found out I abandoned him forever, with all the bad tastes that she had put me through I supported her, controlling her pregnancy in a private clinic, a week before delivery she got anemia, at the time of the cesarean section she received a blood transfusion until my beloved grandson Simon Antonio was born👶💖.
Siguió con su mal carácter hacia mí, no quiso seguir mis consejos como madre, cuando tenía 19 años le permití tener a su novio con el que quedó embarazada, cuando el muchacho se enteró lo abandoné para siempre, con todos los malos gustos que me había hecho pasar la apoyé, controlando su embarazo en una clínica privada, una semana antes del parto le dio anemia, en el momento de la cesárea recibió una transfusión de sangre hasta que nació mi querido nieto Simón Antonio👶💖.

Today she is in college and works in a high school to support her child, I continue to guide her to learn to be a good mother, although she says that I torment her with my advice. Despite being a special being in her condition of ADHD, I love her from the moment I conceived her.
Hoy está en la universidad y trabaja en un instituto para mantener a su hijo, sigo guiándola para que aprenda a ser una buena madre, aunque dice que la atormento con mis consejos. A pesar de ser un ser especial en su condición de TDAH, la quiero desde que la concebí.
There is no school, nor a university to be a mother and less perfect, you just learn day by day. Just as at one time I matured with the teachings that life gave me, I continue to struggle at her side to give her to understand that she must value herself and fight as I did at some point, strive for her son who is the engine that moves the world, I pray to God that she can give the best teachings to my grandson, so that he will be a true man of value in the future.
No hay una escuela, ni una universidad para ser madre y menos perfecta, solo se aprende día a día. Así como en algún momento maduré con las enseñanzas que me dio la vida, sigo luchando a su lado para darle a entender que debe valorarse y luchar como lo hice en algún momento, luchar por su hijo que es el motor que mueve el mundo, le pido a Dios que ella pueda darle las mejores enseñanzas a mi nieto, para que sea un verdadero hombre de valor en el futuro.

I hope you liked my publication. Comments are welcome. God keep you.

the photos are my property.
use Deepl translate.

Espero que les haya gustado mi publicación. Los comentarios son bienvenidos. Que Dios te guarde.

las fotos son de mi propiedad.
utilizar Deepl traducir.

Social media

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carmin_73/


You have had quite a journey and you keep on giving all that you can and that's what makes a mother's love.

Thank you for sharing and I wish you all the best.

ps: I hope you don't mind me suggesting, separate the English and Spanish so it is easier to read. You can either format it side by side, and make one in Italics or Bold.