NEDDLEWORK BUCKET LIST: My first project made for my wish list… Cushion for my large piece of furniture in recycling material[eng/esp]

in NeedleWorkMondaylast year (edited)

Happy and blessed day dear friends of NEEDLEWORK MONDAY, a great pleasure to share with you my first participation in NEEDLEWORK BUCKET LIST!

All of us who love the art of creating with needles always have a huge wish list, which little by little we are turning into projects and materializing them. I have liked machine sewing, I think that since I was born, I remember that I started from a very young age. to use my mother's sewing machine.

For those who know, it was one of those machines that had a huge pedal at the bottom. It was a bit difficult to get up to speed with this machine but little by little I got it, I currently have an electric machine which I love very much.

My machine was stored since before the month of December arrived, in many years this is the first December that I do not make a single item of clothing to wear and brand new on holidays, the reason: last year we had the enormous blessing I had to buy a new home and since I was completely dedicated to construction, I hadn't had the time to sit in front of my machine and create part of those projects that I have in mind.

projects that become very cherished dreams every day, if I make a list of everything I want to do, my post would be too long, so I am going to mention some main things that are the ones that I have the most in priority and that today I already managed to materialize one of those many projects,

For this project I have managed to collect a good amount of jeans👖 thanks to the collaboration of everyone in my family and thanks to this today I can share with you my first wish granted from my big list which was to make a lining for the biggest piece of furniture in my living room, some time ago I was able to buy a piece of background fabric and I made the lining for the two small pieces of furniture, sadly I didn't have the big one since the fabric didn't reach me, and it only covered it on top, so I decided to combine this fabric with my old Jeans and I loved the result, here is the step by step of my first project of this year 2023

Feliz y bendecido día queridos amigos de NEEDLEWORK MONDAY, un gusto enorme compartir con ustedes mi primera participación en NEEDLEWORK BUCKET LIST!,

Todos los que amamos el arte de crear con agujas siempre tenemos una lista enorme de deseos, la cual poco a poco vamos convirtiendo en proyectos y materializandolos, la costura a máquina me ha gustado yo creo que desde que nací, desde muy niña recuerdo que comencé a usar la máquina de coser de mi madre.

Para los que conocen, era de esas máquinas que tenían un pedal enorme abajo, Fue un poco difícil agarrarle el ritmo a esta máquina pero poco a poco lo logré, actualmente tengo una máquina eléctrica la cual amo demasiado.

Mi máquina estaba guardada desde antes de qué llegase el mes de diciembre, en muchísimos años este es el primer diciembre que no me hago una sola prenda para vestir y estrenar en los días de fiesta, la razón: el año pasado tuvimos la bendición enorme de comprar una nueva vivienda y como estaba dedicada completamente a la construcción no me había quedado el tiempo para sentarme frente a mi máquina y crear parte de esos proyectos que tengo en mente.

proyectos que se convierten cada día en sueños muy anhelados, si les hago una lista de todo lo que deseo hacer mi post sería demasiado extenso así que voy a mencionar algunas cosas principales que son las que más tengo en prioridad y que hoy logré ya materializar uno de esos tantos proyectos,

Para este proyecto He logrado recolectar una buena cantidad de pantalones jeans👖 gracias a la colaboración de todos en mi familia y gracias a esto hoy puedo compartir con ustedes mi primer deseo concedido de mi gran lista el cual fue hacerle un forro al mueble mas grande de mi sala, hace un tiempo pude comprar un retazo de tela de fondo y le hice el forro a los dos muebles pequeños tristemente me faltó el grande ya que la tela no me alcanzó, y solo lo cubría por encima, entonces decidí combinar esta tela con mis Jeans viejos y el resultado me encantó, aquí te dejo el paso a paso de mi primer proyecto de este año 2023





  • as many old Jeans as you can get

  • Pair of scissors

  • Paperboard

  • Foam as thick as you have on hand

  • Needle and thread if you want to sew them by hand or if not, your sewing machine and threads of your favorite color

  • Imagination and creativity

  • toda la cantidad de Jeans viejos que puedas conseguir

  • Tijeras

  • Cartón

  • Gomaespumas del grosor que tengas a la mano

  • Aguja e hilo si deseas cocerlos a mano o si no, tu máquina de coser e hilos del color preferido

  • Imaginación y creatividad


The main idea of ​​making my cushions and furniture covers with recycled Jeans is to be able to combine everything, I recently restored my PUFF
with Jeans and I loved the result, so I asked all the members of my family to save me all those pants that they were going to throw away, just like mine, it is a very cheap way to make decorations in your home.

La idea principal de hacer mis cojines y forros para los muebles con Jeans reciclados es poder combinar todo, hace poco restaure mi PUFF
con Jeans y el resultado me encantó, así que les pedí a todos los miembros de mi familia que me guardaron todos esos pantalones que iban a desechar, al igual que los míos , es una manera bastante económica de hacer decoraciones en tu hogar .

🪡🧞‍♀️🄱🅄🄲🄺🄴🅃 🄻🄸🅂🅃!🧞‍♀️🪡



The first thing I did was tear up the pants ha ha it sounds ugly but that's what I say to unstitch and get all the fabric scraps, I'm not going to throw away anything from these pants little by little I'll share with you each project I do with my old Jeans.

Lo Primero que hice fue descuartizar los pantalones ja ja suena feo pero así digo yo para descoser y obtener todos los retazos de tela, de estos pantalones no pienso botar nada poco a poco iré compartiendo con ustedes cada proyecto que haga con mis Jeans viejos.


Then we are going to make a cardboard square to cut all the pieces that we need for the size of my furniture, calculate 30 pieces of different Jeans, the measurements were 16 × 16 cm, having the mold made of cardboard is easier to draw it on the Jeans and being able to cut it.

Luego vamos a hacer un cuadrado en cartón para todos los retazos que necesitamos por la medida de mi mueble calcule 30 retazos de Jeans diferentes, las medidas fueron 16 × 16 cm, al tener el molde hecho en cartón es más fácil para dibujarlo en el Jeans y poder cortarlo.


When I had all my pieces, I sat down at my machine and began to sew, I joined 10 pieces making long strips, and then joined them horizontally, going over the seams to avoid unstitching when using.

Al tener todas mis piezas me senté en mi máquina y comencé a coser, uní 10 piezas haciendo tiras largas, para luego unir de forma horizontal, repasando costuras para evitar que al usar se vaya a descoser.



Once they were all ready, I began to join them with my lining fabric, leaving a seamless space to introduce the cardboard and the foam.

Al tenerlas todas listas comencé a unir con mi tela de forro dejando un espacio sin costura para poder introducir el cartón y la gomaespuma.


To make the base cushion for my furniture I used only recycled materials, first I made the shape with cardboard, as it was not long enough I glued it with white glue and reinforced with staples, then I placed a piece of foam rubber on top of which I had I had saved for my furniture for a long time, I took this one from an old mattress that we disassembled a long time ago and which I kept exclusively for this project.

Para hacer el cojin de base para mi mueble utilice sólo materiales reciclados, primero hice la forma con el cartón, como no era lo suficientemente largo lo uni pegándolo con pega blanca y reforzando con grapas, luego le coloqué encima un retazo de gomaespuma la cual había tenido guardada para mi mueble desde hace mucho tiempo, esta la saqué de un viejo colchón que desarmamos hace tiempo y la cual guarde exclusiva para este proyecto .


Having already assembled the cardboard with the foam rubber, I placed the lining and sewed by hand the part that I left open and at the end I could not believe how beautiful it looked, it is incredible that with recycled materials you can create such beautiful things, these are Jeans which are already too deteriorated but incredibly we can remove parts of the fabric in good condition and make truly beautiful creations.

Al tener ya armado el cartón con la goma espuma le coloqué el forro y cosí a mano la parte que dejé abierta y al finalizar no podía creer lo hermoso que se veía, es increíble que con materiales reciclados puedas crear cosas tan lindas, estos son Jeans que ya están demasiado deteriorados pero increíblemente podemos sacarle partes de la tela en buenas condiciones y hacer creaciones verdaderamente hermosas.



🪡🧞‍♀️🄱🅄🄲🄺🄴🅃 🄻🄸🅂🅃!🧞‍♀️🪡



On the subject of sewing, we learn new things every day, on the Internet we can get a wide variety of ideas to guide us and make our creations, for my next most desired projects here I am going to leave you a small list, I hope little by little to be able to materialize them and above all share them for this great community:

  • Small cushions for my furniture in recycled Jeans

  • braid my iron chairs

  • make some clothes out of my old jeans

  • buy some fabrics to make the curtains for my living room and tablecloths

  • make a shoe rack since I have nowhere to organize the shoes👟 👠

  • Make some dolls in amigurumi

En el tema de la costura cada día aprendemos cosas nuevas, en Internet podemos conseguir una gran variedad de ideas para guiarnos y hacer nuestras creaciones, para mis próximos proyectos más deseados aquí les voy a dejar una pequeña lista, espero poco a poco poder materializarlos y sobretodo compartirlos por esta gran comunidad:

  • Cojines pequeños para mis muebles en Jeans reciclados

  • trenzar mis sillas de hierro

  • hacer algunas prendas de vestir con mis jeans viejos

  • comprar algunas telas para hacer las Cortinas para mi sala y manteles

  • hacer una zapatera ya que no tengo donde organizar los zapatos👟 👠

  • hacer algunos muñequitos en amigurumi

638EAC93-F303-4483-B412-AFC929C66160.jpeg mi gato feliz disfrutando el nuevo cojín que hice para su mueble, ja ja

Grateful for visiting my blog, I wish all the friends of Needlework monday that they can fulfill all their wishes for this year 2023.

Agradecida por visitar mi blog, deseo para todos los amigos de Needlework monday qué puedan cumplir todos sus deseos para este año 2023.

Todas las fotos me pertenecen, las tome con mi teléfono iPhone 11, la edición la realicé con Canva.

la traducción para el inglés utilicé el traductor de Google


I really enjoyed reading your publication @marlynmont. I loved learning about your background with sewing and how you’ve been doing it since you were very young. I tell everyone I wish I would have took my mother’s offer as a little girl to learn how to sew. Back then I thought it was boring and didn’t realize how much of a benefit such skills would be. Now in my older age it’s harder to learn and I struggle. I get joy hearing stories like this so thanks for sharing. 😊

What a great idea to combine the fabrics you had with your family’s old jeans. It turned out so fabulous! The different tones of blue along with the bright blue lining really works well.

Congratulations on such a job well done and for accomplishing your first needlework bucket list goal! Yay! 😃😉

The same thing happened to my older sister, when she was young she was never interested in sewing despite the fact that my mother sewed and my second sister and I did too, and today that she is in another country and far from us she regrets not having learned in time, what happens is that when something does not attract our attention we are not interested in learning, but in my opinion I think that sewing is something so important that everyone should learn it, it would be excellent until they receive sewing classes in schools.

Thank you for such beautiful words, comments like this fill me with much more encouragement to continue with my sewing and share them with you, greetings 🥰

Yes it makes me very sad when I think about it and I regret not learning just as your sister does. If only I would have known what I know now. When we’re younger we don’t think about how beneficial something is and miss so many opportunities. I’m just glad I was able to pick up crocheting and enjoy that in my later days. I still plan on sewing basic things but don’t think I will ever make becoming a designer lol.

You’re truly welcome. I’m glad you are encouraged and motivated ~ 😊

Te quedó genial. Te felicito por tu nueva adquisición. Es un gran logro tener tu vivienda nueva.
Me alegra que ahora te quede tiempo para dedicarte a coser, que es algo que manifiestas amar desde muy joven y de hecho se ve que lo haces muy bien.
Deseo que puedas materializar todos esos deseos que tienes en mente prontamente y compartirnos.

Amén amiga y gracias por sus buenos deseos 🙏🙏

te ha quedado muy bonito !! además amo la técnica patchwork, y es la mejor forma de utilizar retazos de telas o de reciclarlas y lo has hecho muy bien 🌺 te felicito!🌷🌷

Gracias por su bonito comentario amiga saludos 🥰

 last year  

Excelente idea la de elaborar el cojín con jeans reciclados, este tipo de proyectos con retazos me encantan porque quedan con un toque diferente y especial. Te felicito por este primer logro y deseo que puedas cumplir todo lo que te has propuesto.

Gracias amiga por sus buenos deseos 🤗

Yay! 🤗
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Agradecida por el apoyo 🥰

Me ha encantado tu trabajo. El resultado es muy original y le has dado una nueva vida al mueble y a esos pantalones. Felicidades.

Gracias por su bonito comentario amiga 🥰, saludos 🖖


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How cute your kitty looks enjoying his new seat, I like how you worked, everything looks neat and you knew how to take advantage of every scrap. I would like to have something like that in my house.

I was really surprised by the result, the pants are so deteriorated that I used to throw them away but I realized that with the scraps that are good we managed to make beautiful creations, thank you for commenting friend, greetings 🖖