AI should enhance our Jobs creative Ideas and not a threat to replace them.

Earlier in our university days, we all had different passions in terms of the choice of profession we wished to pursue in life. A profession requires acquiring both skills and academic training, while a career may not necessarily require such rigorous theoretical book knowledge.

I have become a farmer merely by consistently working on the farm, right from a tender age. Farming was hence added to the list of careers I am pursuing in life, as the crude type of farming system doesn't require much of a book's knowledge.
Such farming here is merely for a career. Professional farmers make use of book knowledge and scientific research that has enhanced local farming systems through the creation of useful equipment and chemicals.

          My Job and Career Description will stand the Test of An AI generation ..

Deciding what profession is desired in life I have hoped to study pharmacy, pure science, or anything related to medicine, but I ended up studying microbiology. This can be related to medicine too, but if only I could further my education and be more specific with lab sciences courses for a master's degree.

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Now that I have studied a broader microbiology, I have come to realize that job opportunities for such careers in this part of the world are limited. The school system here also has a way of changing our careers in life, and the struggle to remain in your desired field isn’t an easy one.

Even after passing your entrance exams to the university, they have a frustrating way of screening you out of your desired course of study and into something entirely different. Someone who wishes to study medicine ends up getting a course outside of medicine. If you are from the middle class of society and cannot afford to enroll in a private school that will give you your desired course of study, you are left with no choice but to stick with whatever the public university gives us to study if at all we want to have a degree in life.

The summary of this is that I have ended up studying a bit of microbiology for a profession instead of a desired pharmacy. I am a certified microbiologist by profession and have a couple of other careers and skilled labor, including fashion designing and farming.

Is AI a threat to my career and/or job?

The recent inflow and applications of AI innovations in various sectors of life may have become a threat to so many jobs. Different sectors now deploy robots to carry out most of the hands-on human activities, while AI is involved in intellectual activities, answering commands and inquiries and giving answers to man's quests.

AI/AI tools now engage in creative content creation, and this powered tool will attend to almost all of mankind’s inquiries in whatever form they come in, be it writing, virtual art photography, or related contents.

In my fashion career, I have seen creative art designs of AI fashion in the industry. There are two basic aspects to garment construction. The hands-on sewing task and the creative design of pattern making, which AI handles perfectly well,
Patterns can be creative using AI; logos and signatures on clothes; the kinds of outfits or suit designs we wish to sew can all be handled by AI, but does this pose a threat to my fashion career?


Regardless of an AI threat to jobs, I believe that there will always be room for human input(sentiments) and that my career cannot be threatened into non-existence. I believe that AI innovations and robot technology are meant to enhance human activities and not replace them.

For instance, on my farms, I could make use of a robot and program it to carry out the planting of certain crops. Without programming a robot, it is as good as useless metal. You have to tell it what to do, when to do it, and the right timing. When it comes to speed and accuracy an AI powered tool can be very effective and useful, but in instance where we require adding value and due diligence to our jobs an AI machine will be found lacking.

Think about a gardening growing some vegetables with tenderness and passion to feed her community compared to a machine grow and multiples species of veggies in large quantities and little value.

Application of AI in my career and fashion Journey

This wll be an a perfect addition to enhance my designing skill and not come as a threat. We are the ultimate controllers of robots, and they cannot operate outside of our command. With AI technology, I could improve my fashion sense and career. Designing work and crafting patterns can be done with AI, but when it comes to the hands-on activities of sewing with human sentiments passion and love and adding value to what I create AI is limited.

I have sewn and gifted out countless outfits be them perfect or not people have cherished these things they have received from me.


A machine can create dozens of outfits within a split second that will have less value compared to a single one of such similar outfits. I must have poured in a lot of passion and love to create them. Been a passionate careerist; we sell out our passions, not just any piece of art.


An NFT may not have value unless we place it on time. I can make a piece of human design in fashion and decide to mint my design into an NFT. I am not selling just any other outfit here, but my passion and dreams all in one piece. The story behind that piece of work is as important as the job itself.

AI is meant to aid our human intellectual skills but never to replace them, as long as there is still room and genuine illness for human-made contents. Even in content creation on Hive, it is often easy to detect AI-generated content since it is created with little or no effort, but human-created content always bears a mark of uniqueness and relatability, as one or two people will always relate to our content as a part of their personal experiences. I have come to realize that in my content creation journey on Hive, whether Hive is a part of the term career or not

All images are fine unless stated otherwise.

This is my submission to the #mayinleo and I'm using this medium to invite other hivers to come and participate in this prompt with a lot of interesting topics via this link

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Yeah, you have a point.
The robots being created to replace human labour still need human operation to process. The major issue the rampant availability of AI is that, many people will be laid off their work, remaining few that are capable of controlling and instructing the robot 🥲

Exactly which should open up their door to creating a self employment for themselves with creative skills to pursue a career

See how fast you replied like a robot 😂

The recent trend in life is speed. You snooze you loose . Fastest fingers lifestyle

Me that want to be like you🤲

Me wry de copy you

Twale baba

I decided to be serious today and I'm surprised I'm active for a long time like this

Beautiful kids! Are they your kids or your siblings?

They are my siblings, thank you so much.