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RE: TEASE US! CHALLENGE. PART II. Welcome to the hive. Unveiling the project // DESAFIO. PARTE II. Bienvenidos a la colmena. Develando el proyecto. POR @creacioneslelys.

What a story I can relate to been a rebellious bee.
It took me time to get convinced come onboard hive and relate well with everyone here.
Am glad I eventually did.

And now am addicted to your story.
The stage was just so perfect and the bees looked so real.
Beautiful work soon dearie.


Hola!!! Me complace saber que te gustó el proyecto. Oye! Así que fuiste una abejita rebelde? Qué bueno que formas parte de esta gran familia!
Muchas gracias por leer mi post! Saludos.