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RE: The true power of Needlework – calming down with Lisette blouse and Mezzo cardigan

Oh, please don't cut your tress you can just trim the part that bothers them. Who wouldn't loves tress and a good shade to rest under during the evenings.
Sorry about the band witch too, that thing can be disappointing especially when it is needed the most.

It will be good indeed to start every project with a calm heart so you won't end up working on a project that won't bring satisfaction.

I wish you a beautiful and healthy new week. And please don't forget the tress, I love them.

 3 years ago  

Sadly we had to cut… these neighbors have all the right to want the tree gone, it is too near to their fence. But we only cut the tree a bit and we hope it will regrow nicely. I also hate to cut trees, they are so needed in hot weather and lovely in generell <3