The need for a hair cover made me use tiny pieces of fabric to make headband

Hello Hive.

This is the last project left of this African print fabric that was very essential for me to create.
We were in desperate need of a hair cover as African churches won't allow you to enter the church service without a cover for your hair.

Every pieces of the 6yard African print fabric have been used up and I was thinking of various ideas to make a matching fabric for our dress.

I got two basic option, either to purchase a plain satin/velvet of light pink as scarf and sew part of it as scarf or try to recycle fabrics.

But in the end I wanted see what I can make of the tiniest pieces of fabrics remaining, something like a recycle and then this is what I was able to do.


This will do for a hair cover.

I joined all the tiny pieces of fabrics together in such a way that the seam lines won't be too obvious and got these three pieces.

  • 6" width by 40"length for the big ruffle

  • 3" width by 15" length for the smaller ruffle at the back

  • 2" width by 15" length to be used inside the big ruffle.

  • 6" length elastic band.


4 items in this picture.

The first two will be gathered into one and the second two will be gathered for the back piece.


But first I stitched the fabrics and turned them to the right face.




I used the one with 2" width to pull the bigger 40" length into a ruffle
the elastic was then used to pull the 3" length into a ruffle as well..

So I have two ruffles.
The bigger front one
And a smaller back one.





The hairband was then ready after joining the two piece together.






This is good enough for a hair cover.
Thank you.


It came out like a Crown!
Have a Very Blessed Friday!

Thanks dear. Remain blessed yourself.


Wow I know this thing 😂 I always do see people wear it wow yours looks nice

Thanks dear

You’re welcome 😅


This scarf design, I love it

Thanks love ❤

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Very nice work, I love the headband, it looks beautiful.

WOW terrific !

What a beautiful headband!

What a brilliant job you did with it!

Gracias, thank you...

De nada mi amiga! 😃

Greetings, @monica-ene!

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