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RE: God Dolls #4: Laeg macRiangabair

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago

The thing I love best on your artworks is that you incorporate multiple genres: your dolls are only the visible part, but behind them is a much bigger story (your post, your novel, your universe). All you create seem to belong together and every detail means something. I remember you making a hanging with spiritual tokens and now I see references on your god dolls to this spirituality. All accessories of the dolls seem to hint to a deeper story I am teased to explore or even become creative myself and create world for them in my mind.
But before my comment gets too nice and in German i would say "der Schleim tropft raus" (the slime starts to drop out of it - not sure this works in English) I change the topic to - tada - the fibula :-DDDD When I started at university I was indecisive between two subjects: Classical Archaeology and Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology so I started both. The first was centred around Greece and Rome the second encompassed northern Europe. I was much more into the latter in spirit, but in reality there was only one professor (and he was sooooooooo boring) and not much choice in courses. A good friend proceeded with Prehistoric Archaeology and only wrote about fibulas... every course, paper or exam was about: fibula. I think he developed a nervous tick while hearing the word fibula (He now works as a radio moderator). In hindsight I am very glad I decided to stick with classical archaeology (but I forgot everything I fear) :-DDDDDD
Sorry got a writing fit :-DDD (I avoid cleaning up my huge pile of clothes in our bedroom)


Ah, thank you! I do like to create as part of my spiritual practice. It's all inter-linked for me. Especially since modern Pagans are recreating new traditions for ourselves, I like doing this as part of mine. :D

in German i would say "der Schleim tropft raus" (the slime starts to drop out of it - not sure this works in English)

LOL! In English I think the closest thing we say is "getting sappy" (as in, tree sap) or "syrupy sweet".

And laughing again at the fibula story. Your poor friend! I am much too broad-focused to do that kind of work, I think. I might go mad if I had to focus exclusively on fibulas. 😂

I do like the joke that every time an archaeologist calls something "a ritual object" that just means they have no idea what the f**k it is for. 🤣 There are these little balls with knobs on them that are Roman and archaeologists were calling them "ritual objects" because they found them all over and didn't know what they could be for. A knitter 3D printed one and knitted a sock on it. Ta da! LMAO