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RE: The church girls dress design. DIY of my dress design using a gifted fabrics.

in NeedleWorkMonday2 years ago

Now I want to be a pastors wife 😍 I love this style of dress, they are much more wearable for me (sorry I am self-centred when it comes to garments :-DDD) as they fit better over my big backside than slimmer and shorter skirts/dresses :-DDD
And you look so lovely in it, kind of modest and flirty ant once. Congratulations to you for getting this (nearly) done in one session. I admire you <3


You don't have to do anything, I will gladly pay for your husbands seminary training and boom you become a pastors wife 😅

I love them too, as they are free and easy to wear.

Thanks for stopping by. We had a busy time at the office today.

 2 years ago (edited) 

Cool :-DDD did not know its so easy to become a pastor‘s wife. Will talk to my husband that he needs to change his job because I love your dress so much.🤣😍
(Actually in Germany its quite hard to become a pastor. You need to study at university and learn three!!! dead languages like latin, Greek, Hebrew. And then you go to a special training afterwards so that you are allowed to do social work. Not sure my husband is willing to do this for a dress :-D)
Hope you have a less stressful day today with only nice things happening at the office <3