Upcycled Magnet #3 - Triple Hearts

Hello friends! A little project for this #needleworkmonday, an upcycled magnet! My third one. Previously I had shared the peace sign and watermelon magnets I made, with an aim to use up some plastic foam I had that a package had been shipped to me with (the kind that is often used in place of Styrofoam these days). This week I made a triple heart magnet.

To make this magnet, I cut three hearts out of a thin piece of foam, each smaller than the last. Then I used yarn scraps to sew around the smaller two, and ribbon scraps to sew around the largest one. A button was sewn on top of the smallest heart, then I stacked them and the yarn from both of the smaller hearts was sewn through to tie them all together.

You can see that I also used the green yarn from the smallest heart to anchor the ribbons around the edges of the largest heart, since it was a little slip-slidey. 😄

Then I used super glue to glue some magnets onto the back, and ta da! A completed magnet.

I actually have another project underway to use up a large portion of the foam, but it is not needlework, unlike these three. ;)

Thanks for reading and have a terrific day!! :)


This is a special magnet and the process is super easy.

This is really thoughtful of you and no one will ever think that it is a magnet
Nice one!

Thanks very much! :)

Dear @rafzat, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @phoenixwren.