Let's crochet a mushroom amigurumi

in NeedleWorkMondaylast month (edited)

Hello guyz!!let's crochet a mushroom amigurumi keychain. The reason why I decided to make a mushroom is because they are so cute.And they look so nice with bags.I made two of them using different colored yarn.They came out so good. These keychains are my new obsession.


Material required

1- yarn
2- crochet hook 🪝
3- scissors ✂️
4-needle 🪡



1- MR 6sc in MR slst (6)
R1- ch1 inc in every sc
R2- ch (sc, inc) ×6
R3- ch (inc, 2sc) ×6
R4-R5- ch, sc in every stitch till end Slst
R6- ch,(3sc, inc) ×6 in front loop only
R7- ch, (2sc, Inc, 2sc)×6 slst
Hat is complete. cut and hide the leftover yarn.


I used white yarn
R8- ch, sc in every stitch till end in the back loop slst
R9-R10- ch, sc in every stitch till end slip stitch
R11- ch, 9sc , 5hdc puff, 8sc, 5hdc puff, 7sc, slst
R12-R13- ch, sc in every stitch till end slst
R14- ch, 10sc, 5hdc puff, 6sc, 5hdc puff, 6sc, slst
R15- ch, (Dec, 2sc) ×6 slst
R16- ch, (Dec, sc )
Fill the body of mushroom with polyester
R17- ch (dec) slst
Fasten off with needle and the body is done.
make .R (2ch, 3hdc puff st, 2slst in MR)
Attach it on the top of hat.

The process

First i made the hat of mushroom.


I made the base


Then I made the curve of round hat.


Then to make body I attached white yarn.
Then I increased the stitches upto a point.


Then I made the arms.


Then cute little feets.


Then I completed the upper part of hat.

Then I used needle to attach it with the hat.
And the mushroom is complete.
Take a look.



They were looking so cute.They came out exactly the same that I've imagined.I really enjoyed the process of making them.
Hope you guyz like it.
See you again.
Take care .
Bye bye. 👋 🌸💞


The color and design of the keychain are so beautiful. It looks great. Love it. Keep up the good work! Thanks!

Thank you!!

 last month  

Hello @rabail-khan, The keychains are pretty. Thanks for sharing your projects with us.
I invite you to read this article in which you can find some suggestions to improve your future posts.


They are such a cutie pie 🥰

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Thank you so much!!

I know I'll get to learn crocheting one of these days. See your keychains sitting pretty.