Crochet Hammock

in NeedleWorkMonday4 years ago

One of the challenges in having a toddler is keeping the entire house spick and span. Sure, there will be thise glorious moments when you stare at your freshly wiped floors, neatly areanged shelves and storage bins, clear countertops, well kempt bed, dry bathroom floors. Those are the most triumphant ten seconds in a mom's life.

We're currently four years into this relationship. I arrange the toys and books on the shelves, she systematically disarranges them. Cleaning up is one of her responsibilities after playtime, but being a toddler and all, she just literally shoves them into any space she could fit them into.

Before going to bed, I make sure that everything is back in their proper place. We live in a tight space so every square inch in the house is important. And quite frankly, I've had it with the cramped stuffed toys situation. I couldn't just put them in another toy bin, I'd like to keep the floors clear at all times.

And so, here comes the crochet hammock. If you're a mom, there's a high chance that you're a fan of multipurpose items. Who wouldn't, right? This hammock serves as a toy where she could put her Baby Emily down during playtime. But after playtime, this also serves as a hanging storage for all of her stuffed toys. Hopefully all of them could fit in there, but hey, I trust my child. She can shove her toys into any space especially when she knows it's her computer game time already.

Anyways, this crochet hammock was made based on @jonalyn2020's pattern she posted the other week. I just changed it up a bit to fit the mesh size I was aiming at. Right now, it still needs the ropes on both ends. Will finish it off tomorrow maybe. I got a bit preoccupied with our homeschooling now that I have my two young neices in the house too.

I am temporarily teaching a first grader, a third grader, and a preschooler. Totally challenging feat, but one I fully and happily accept. I am going to tell more about this in the next few days.

Guess the WIP Winner

@marblely guessed it correctly! Congratulations and thank you for always taking the time to join this mini contest.

For everyone who joined, the HBD payout of the announcement post will ne distributed once we claimed it.

Thank you for joining amd see you again on the next guess the WIP.

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@romeskie is a full-time stay at home mom juggling homeschooling, crocheting, and homemaking. A Business Administration graduate with a major in Marketing who ended up in the contact center industry, on the frontlines, climbing her way up to Workforce Management where she found her passion in real-time analysis and management. A once self-proclaimed careerwoman who soon realized homemaking was her real calling. Her passion varies from reading, writing, photography, and most of all, crocheting.

Connect with her through her Facebook Page: The Leftie Crocheter and on Instagram. Feel free to subscribe to her Youtube Channel: The Leftie Crocheter

Big thanks to @bearone for my Hive PH badge.

 4 years ago  

Ooo thank you!!!! I do enjoy joining this contest whenever I can remember it. It's like a riddle each time :)

 4 years ago  

You're welcome and congratulations once again. I'm cooking up another contest. If only I could master this thingy I'm working on right now, I could post a video again. Hopefully, I can post the next contest later.

 4 years ago  

Wow homeschooling for three different levels is no easy task and you are still finding time to be creative - that is amazing.

 4 years ago  

We just started the other day. And I'm not sure if I'll last the whole month. LOL! They'll stay with me until the end of September. I hope we all learn something useful from each other.

 4 years ago  

THis will be a trying time (because of so many obligations - I hope you will find time to relax a bit) but i am sure you are a wonderful teacher as your writing shows how good you can explain things and your creativity will be wonderful for your pupils <3

 4 years ago  

Thankfully hubby gives me nap time in the afternoon. He takes over while I'm resting. The last time he took charge, my kid learned how to play computer games. Who knows what he's gonna teach my nieces.