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RE: End of Year Clothing Audit

in NeedleWorkMonday2 years ago

Separately, I like the Kakeibo book concept. Are you joining the Saturday Savers Club this year? What I like about the Club, especially now I am a little more organised, is that I just turn up each week and do what is necessary. I don't have to keep re-thinking it, although I may review and revise things now and then.

Joining the Club would mean writing a comment once a week about how things are going with your savings plan, in this case, Kakeibo.

 2 years ago  

We are still filling it out :-D Hope the enthusiasm holds for a bit longer. We are planning to do it for some month just to get a more precise overlook what we are spending (although our bank account tells us its nearly every month the same , we seem to be creatures of habit).
ANd by pure chance: I heard a podcast two weeks ago about data collecting (sadly in German, because I think you would have like it) and some pretty dark results. Katika Kühnreich writes about the impact on society through social credits. She started to research in China but later found a lot of concepts to influence moral, monetary, health etc. behaviour are also used in „western“ countries, China is only a tad better in implementing it. I found one image she described very telling. She says there is no longer a „big Brother“ who is watching and controlling, hated and feared, but a „little sister“ with a tiny warm hand sticky from sweets which we want to have with us all the time (aka the cel phone, gamification, cashback etc.). I found a lot of concepts she presents very understandable, but do not share her very (veryveryvery) dystopian view of the future.

I try not to get too obsessive about data collecting (I'm talking about self-tracking here), I like to check now and then, as with the clothing audit or with my expenses, and make any adjustments I want to, but then I let it alone and get on with life.

I tried one of those wardrobe/make outfits things, but too boring and time consuming and I deleted it. I like a youtuber - slaphappysewing - very down to earth and nearer my age (@cryptocariad may follow her). She mentioned that taking pictures and filming herself had changed her perception of herself and she suggested trying it for your own evaluation, regardless of whether you were going to publish anything.

The website you linked looked interesting - my masters degree was on a very similar theme: digital media and society.