🎨 {05/08/22} ✦ 🌊 Self-made Complete Cosplay of "Blanche", Leader of Team Mistyc (PokémonGO) 🌊 // Back to Cosplay World ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

in NeedleWorkMonday2 years ago (edited)

✦ Cameo of a project I'm about to finish! ✦

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¡Hola a todxs!, estoy muy feliz y emocionada porque hace unos días recuperé un ENORME archivo zip con CIENTOS de fotos de varios proyectos de costura que creía completamente perdidos (de hecho entre 2018 y 2019 este hecho contribuyo a mi caída en profundo sopor de pura tristeza cuando mi computadora en aquel tiempo se daño, y los técnicos no pudieron extraer del disco duro este material).

Hello everyone, I am very happy and excited because a few days ago I recovered a HUGE zip file with HUNDREDS of photos of several sewing projects that I thought were completely lost (in fact between 2018 and 2019 this fact contributed to my fall into deep slumber of pure sadness when my computer at the time was damaged, and the technicians could not extract from the hard drive this material).

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✦ My precious @Vanuzza helped me to extract a color palette to be able to buy the right shades of fabric ✦

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De hecho el primer voto que recibí del proyecto de curación Curie fue con un tutorial de la insignia de este traje que quiero compartir hoy (creo que han pasado 3, 4 años?, ¡vaya!); nunca compartí el resto porque las fotos de la continuación de este proyecto estaban perdidas.

In fact the first vote I received from the Curie healing project was with a tutorial of this costume badge that I want to share today (I think it's been 3? 4 years? Wow!); I never shared the rest because the photos of the continuation of this project were missing.

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✦ For this project I moved for a few days to @Vanuzza house, that's why there are many cameos of her and @Pigritia

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Esta costumbre de hacer registro fotográfico de las cosas que hago (manualidades, proyectos de costura, dibujos o cosplay) no la tengo desde siempre, comenzó como una necesidad, porque desde que tengo memoria me ha costado mucho trabajo verle fin a las cosas, no podía dejar ir estas experiencias y eso me hacia acumular objetos en distintas etapas de construcción.

This habit of making a photographic record of the things I do (crafts, sewing projects, drawings or cosplay) has not always been with me, it started as a necessity, because for as long as I can remember it has been hard for me to see an end to things, I could not let go of these experiences and that made me accumulate objects in different stages of construction.

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✦ The patterns of this Cosplay made me nervous, it's been many years since I tried to make an envelope of this style, and the fabric was very expensive, I had no back up material if I made a mistake ✦

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Los termine o no, cada proyecto que empiezo tiene impreso un pedazo de mi corazón, y los momentos en los que me he sentido mas viva es cuando estoy absorta trabajando, concentrada en el proceso pero jamás obsesionada con el resultado.

Whether I finish them or not, every project I start has a piece of my heart imprinted on it, and the moments when I have felt most alive are when I am absorbed in my work, focused on the process but never obsessed with the result.

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✦ I know the lining fabric may look heavy because I chose synthetic leather, but when I set out on this project the first thing I thought about was that I wanted underwater photos, that means that everything I put on it should be water resistant and resistant to a moderate dose of chlorine ✦

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Y precisamente porque no me obsesiona el resultado, es que a veces no termino lo que empiezo. No se trata de ser una persona poco comprometida o inconsistente, creo que todos nos transformamos cada día y nos acercamos a perfeccionarnos en quienes realmente somos.

And it's precisely because I'm not obsessed with the result, that sometimes I don't finish what I start. It's not about being an uncommitted or inconsistent person, I think we all transform ourselves every day and get closer to perfecting ourselves into who we really are.

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✦ At this stage I felt a little calmer, usually the cutting stage is the one that exhausts me the most because I think and check a thousand times to make sure that I am leaving enough margin for the seam ✦

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Eso significa que las emociones que experimentamos cuando empezamos algo van a pasar por distintas etapas y picos de energía, porque así como la motivación se alimenta de la ilusión y las perspectivas, la ilusión es algo que se diluye inevitablemente con el paso de los días, no porque no amamos el proyecto o porque "encontramos algo mejor o mas importante", sucede porque estamos en un constante estado de metamorfosis.

This means that the emotions we experience when we start something will go through different stages and peaks of energy, because just as motivation is fed by illusion and perspectives, illusion is something that is inevitably diluted as the days go by, not because we don't love the project or because "we found something better or more important", but because we are in a constant state of metamorphosis.

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✦ Originally the inner vest was to be closed in the front with snaps, but because of my body shape I had trouble keeping it from wrinkling in the front, so I modified the design, permanently sewed the front flaps and installed a zipper in the back ✦

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Otra cosa es que una vez que emprendemos algo, en el camino de materializarlo casi siempre hay una serie de situaciones con las que no contamos, como que un material no es lo que esperábamos, una pieza es mas difícil de hacer de lo que creíamos, algo no nos queda bien, un ítem en especifico no lo conseguimos en ningún lado, o lo resultados distan mucho de lo que soñamos que seria.

Another thing is that once we undertake something, on the way to materialize it there are almost always a series of situations that we do not count on, such as a material is not what we expected, a piece is more difficult to make than we thought, something does not fit well, a specific item is not available anywhere, or the results are far from what we dreamed it would be.

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✦ The fabric didn't want to run even with the teflon foot, changed to plastic and traditional metal and nothing worked, so I put some paper underneath and got it to finally walk ✦

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Pero volviendo al tema de "guardar compulsivamente fotografías de todo", tomar fotos en cada paso de estos procesos me ayuda a reducir mis altos niveles de ansiedad cuando me enfrento a la idea de dejar ir las cosas.

But back to the "compulsively saving pictures of everything" issue, taking pictures at every step of these processes helps me reduce my high anxiety levels when faced with the idea of letting things go.

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✦ If you look at the pictures you will notice that the vest is big at the bottom, my hips were wider when I made the original pattern hahaha ✦

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Si en algún momento en mi closet ya no cabe nada mas (y también porque he invadido otros espacios de la casa incluidas las habitaciones de mis familiares), saber que tengo más que recuerdos guardados, y una constancia de que yo hice mis cosas, uff, eso ha sido una cura milagrosa de efecto inmediato para mi para poder regalar o desechar las cosas si es necesario.

If at some point in my closet nothing else fits (and also because I have invaded other spaces in the house including the rooms of my family members), knowing that I have more than memories stored, and a record that I made my things, uff, that has been a miracle cure of immediate effect for me to be able to give away or discard things if necessary.

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✦ When I resumed this project at the beginning of the year, I treated myself and bought a pair of scissors and new needle packs ✦

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Y digo "constancia de que yo hago mis cosas" no por un tema de egolatría o soberbia, sino que me gusta entrar en Concursos y Competencias, y en esos espacios a veces valoran altamente que los concursantes elaboren sus propios atuendos. Si es el caso, piden un registro o "Dossier" para corroborar el proceso creativo (¡con eso puedes ganar muchos puntos con el jurado!).

And I say "proof that I do my own thing" not because of egomania or arrogance, but because I like to enter Contests and Competitions, and in those spaces they sometimes highly value that the contestants elaborate their own outfits. If it is the case, they ask for a record or "Dossier" to corroborate the creative process (with that you can win many points with the jury!).

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✦ Putting all the parts together was super fast ✦

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Y si, por si acaso lo sospechan, me he encontrado en situaciones donde las personas simplemente no creen que mis proyectos los elaboro yo, "porque lucen demasiado perfectos o parecen comprados".

And yes, just in case you suspect it, I have found myself in situations where people simply don't believe that my projects are made by me, _"because they look too perfect or look like they were bought.

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✦ For the lapel and collar work I suffered a lot hahaha I had to make several patterns because when I folded them they did not give me the inclination I wanted ✦

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En aquel entonces no supe si sentirme halaga o ofendida, pero definitivamente no se sintió bien. La solución fue entonces colocar estos procesos en álbum públicos de FB para que quien quisiera pudiera ver el paso a paso de todo.

At the time I didn't know whether to be flattered or offended, but it definitely didn't feel right. The solution was then to post these processes in public FB albums so that anyone who wanted to could see the step by step of everything.

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✦ On paper everything fit perfectly but when you go to the fabric the volume always adds several millimeters that mess everything up, it can add up to 0.5 cm or a little more of mismatch compared to the test design ✦

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Ahora hablando de este proyecto Cosplay, Blanche fue un personaje que desde el momento del lanzamiento de PokémonGo su diseño me enamoro al instante (y no es para menos porque el diseñador de los lideres de PokémonGo, es el mismo diseñador de los personajes de "Fire Emblem" si no mal recuerdo).

Now talking about this Cosplay project, Blanche was a character that from the moment of the release of PokémonGo I instantly fell in love with his design (and not for less because the designer of the PokémonGo leaders, is the same designer of the "Fire Emblem" characters if I remember correctly).

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✦ If you look closely 50% of this is handmade, because the needle of the machine could not pass so many layers of material. Ouh, my little hands :( ✦

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También tiene este carácter calmado, y analítico, nada estrambótico, que me gusta muchísimo en los personajes que escojo (muchos de mis Cosplay son de personajes estoicos o con pocas expresiones, me gustan las personalidades simples o elegantes).

She also has this calm, analytical character, nothing outlandish, which I really like in the characters I choose (many of my cosplays are of stoic characters or characters with few expressions, I like simple or elegant personalities).

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✦ Does it look like? Tell me your opinion in the comments please! ✦

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Al día de hoy, y para no hacer el cuento demasiado largo, he desarmado y vuelto a armar este traje unas dos veces, porque fue diseñado originalmente para debutar en 2016, pero en aquella ocasión me enferme y tuve muchísimos contratiempos que hizo imposible que lo usara.

As of today, and to make a long story short, I have disassembled and reassembled this suit about twice, because it was originally designed to debut in 2016, but on that occasion I got sick and had a lot of setbacks that made it impossible for me to wear it.

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✦ First test of everything, although there are still some adjustments to be made and the body was not finished yet ✦

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No estaba en mi mejor momento, mi vida empezó a sufrir trastornos que no supe como manejar, entre una mudanza caótica, baje más de 10 kilos de golpe, casi nada de mi ropa me quedaba, siempre estaba triste y no hablaba con casi nadie, y si lo hacia, no contaba lo que me estaba pasando, y tampoco busque ayuda porque desconfiaba hasta de mi propia sombra.

I was not at my best, my life began to suffer disorders that I did not know how to handle, between a chaotic move, I lost more than 10 kilos all at once, almost none of my clothes fit me, I was always sad and I did not talk to almost anyone, and if I did, I did not tell what was happening to me, and I did not seek help because I distrusted even my own shadow.

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✦ The part of the strap has almost no photos but I carved the ring in balsa wood ✦

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Pero este año me he propuesto, entre una lista de varios pendientes, retomar y terminar y ESTRENAR por fin este traje. No me falta demasiado para tenerlo listo, pero aun necesito ajustarlo (de nuevo) porque no estoy tan delgada como cuando lo patroné, pero ya no estoy tan gorda como cuando le hice su primer ajuste, ahora estoy en "el medio" de esas dos tallas, y enserio quiero que se vea perfecto.

But this year I have decided, among a list of several pending, to take up and finish and finally START this suit. I'm not too far away from having it ready, but I still need to adjust it (again) because I'm not as thin as when I patterned it, but I'm not as fat as when I did its first adjustment, now I'm in "the middle" of those two sizes, and I really want it to look perfect.

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✦ At the beginning of my blog I think the second year, you can find this detailed and complete tutorial ✦

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A lo largo de este camino los comentarios que han recibido los cameos de este traje han sido muy divertidos, como que "¿¡por qué escogí una tela tan pesada si aquí hace un calor de los mil demonios!?".

Along the way, the comments on the cameos of this suit have been very funny, such as, "Why did I choose such a heavy fabric when it's hot as hell here?"

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✦ I started sewing it on the machine but finished by hand so as not to damage the details ✦

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La respuesta es que mi visión y anhelo es que este traje quedara lo mas realista posible, pensemos, Blanche tiene un diseño que te hace pensar en un traje de natación, y un traje de laboratorio, me hace pensar que debe ser resistente al agua o que directamente su team de Pokémons es del tipo agua.

The answer is that my vision and desire is that this suit will be as realistic as possible, let's think, Blanche has a design that makes you think of a swimming suit, and a laboratory suit, makes me think that it must be water resistant or that directly his Pokémon team is water type.

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✦ This part was very satisfactory, I had never worked with elastic fabric before and I was very afraid but everything went well ✦

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Eso tendría mucho sentido ya que sus contrapartes hacen directamente alusión a los otros dos elementos (Spark para la electricidad, y Candela para e fuego).

That would make a lot of sense since their counterparts directly allude to the other two elements (Spark for electricity, and Spark for fire).

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✦ Although everything went well, when I was cleaning the threads inside the bodysuit, I accidentally cut the fabric and I almost died of grief... the suit has a little hole at the right inner thigh and I don't know how to repair it... I want to fix it but I want it to show as little as possible ✦

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Para terminar, quiero decirles que estoy muy feliz por haber recuperado tantas fotos que al menos, para mi, son super importantes, y no pudieron llegar en mejor momento; estaba triste porque mi computadora se dañó (hace unos 20 días mas o menos) y pase casi 2 semanas sin poder hacer nada, ni editar ni escribir, pero un amigo vino a ayudarme y la reparo, y aquí estamos 😊

To finish, I want to tell you that I am very happy to have recovered so many photos that at least, for me, are super important, and they could not have come at a better time; I was sad because my computer was damaged (about 20 days ago more or less) and I spent almost 2 weeks without being able to do anything, neither edit nor write, but a friend came to help me and repaired it, and here we are 😊

La segunda parte de esta historia la traeré a mediados de Noviembre, el estreno de este traje esta pautado para inicios de ese mes (si, ya tengo agenda Cosplayeril para lo que resta del año y mitad de 2023), aun debo estilizar una nueva peluca y ajustar unos últimos detalles. Espero todxs se encuentren muy bien! Un abrazo 💕

I will bring the second part of this story in mid-November, the premiere of this costume is scheduled for the beginning of that month (yes, I already have a Cosplayeril agenda for the rest of the year and half of 2023), I still have to style a new wig and adjust some last details. I hope everyone is feeling great! Best regards 💕

¡Muchas gracias por leer!

✨ 🍓 ✨ Happy, soft, and creative day to all ✨ 🍓 ✨

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🍓 Autoría del texto y todas las imágenes: @Tesmoforia 🍓
📷 Herramientas: Lumix Panasonic DMC-FH2/Smartphone 📷
🚨 ¡Por favor no tomes, edites ni re-publiques mi material sin mi permiso! 🚨
💌 ¿Deseas ponerte en contacto conmigo? Tesmoforia 🍓#8715 💌
✨ Translation done with Deepl

⚜ 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 / © 𝚃𝙴𝚂𝙼𝙾𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙰 - 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾/𝟸𝟶𝟸2 ⚜


Tu trabajo es muy impresionante de lo perfecto que está ❤ seguro te dijeron eso porque es muy poco usual que alguien esté en cada detalle de una prenda, sobre todo si es algo que requiere de mucha habilidad. Me alegra que te hayas decidido a terminarlo y estrenarlo 😊

Este comentario me ha costado algo de trabajo responderlo porque no recibo halagos así muy seguido que se diga jajaja me puse nerviosa 😳 la verdad es que el feedback que recibí cuando lo hice fue mas que todo de amigos extranjeros. Esto me alegro mucho, muchas gracias @Imena! Espero actualizar pronto mas de este viaje 💙

Saludos @tesmoforia 👋

Wow! Quedé impresionada con este trabajo que hiciste 😻 ¡Esta increíble! Realmente se te da muy bien la costura 😃

Sabes, a mi me ha pasado igual. A veces empiezo algo y no lo termino. Así que queda por allí por un tiempo. Pero cuando lo retomo y empiezo a coser ¡Es otra cosa! 😂 Me sumerjo.

Que bueno que pudiste rescatar tus fotos. Ellas son un tesoro para quienes amamos este trabajo. Espero noviembre para ver tu trabajo 💟 Éxito!

@purpleglitter Muchísimas gracias por tu precioso comentario! Me alegra demasiado si disfrutaste ver todo el proceso 😄 me identifico contigo en que cuando retomamos las cosas nos sumergimos en la experiencia. Gracias por estar aquí, feliz fin de semana! 💜

Very nice job, I wish I could also do sewing. Greetings from the Philippines!

Thank you so much @afterglow! The Philippines is a beautiful country, I always hear wonderful things about the people there, I wish I could visit it someday! 💜

You're welcome. Indeed the Philippines is a beautiful country with very hospitable citizens too. You will not regret it if ever you get to visit our country.

Que buenos recuerdos en la busqueda de materiales, por mas que tenga años viendo como traes el personaje a la realidad, me sigue fascinando como si fuera la primera vez que te vi en cosplay. 😘

Y no lo has visto en persona! Te prometo algo bonito para Diciembre, esperemos que las tiendas abran pedidos para comprar nuevas botitas y peluca extra fluffy, para hacer a Oscar bien dramatica, tipo Takarakuza! >u< Gracias por siempre estar a mi lado en todo <3

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by Blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Visit our Discord - Visita nuestro Discord

Muchas gracias! 💛

Hola me quedé sin palabras con ese diseño wuo 🥰 felicidades 👏

Hola @ingridmar! Muchas gracias por tus felicitaciones, espero hayas disfrutado el proceso 💖

What an incredible post and outfit, @tesmoforia !! It looks spectacular on you! Blessings and fun to you!

Thank you very much for your kind words! I hope you enjoyed the process with me, and I'm very happy to be able to share it first here on Hive. Blessings to you too @clareartista ! ! 🥰