Snoopy el Aviador Tejido a Crochet - Parte 2/Crochet Snoopy the Aviator - Part 2

in NeedleWorkMonday3 years ago

Snoopy el Aviador Tejido a Crochet

Source: Photo taken by the author @xeliram on a cell phone.

Hola! Saludo a la comunidad de #Hive, el post de hoy es continuación del Snoopy que monte hace como una semana: Parte 1.

Mi hermana cumplió hace un mes y el día de su cumpleaños me envió el link con el patrón de Snoopy (que me quiso pedir ja ja) este Snoopy es para ella, ya ha pasado varios días después de su cumpleaños, pero es mejor tarde que nunca.

Como les comente en el otro post, tuve que hacer modificaciones del patrón porque la cabeza me quedo grande y el cuerpo pequeñito, al igual que las manos la macha y la cola.

Comencé realizando el cuerpo, las manos, los pies y la mancha. El cuerpo lo hice mas grande, y las manos, pies y mancha lo realice tomando en cuenta el patrón, sin embargo, cuando lo cosí a la cabeza me di cuenta que el cuerpo me quedo muy largo, tuve que descoserlo y destejer un poco para que me quedara menos largo, lo mismo me paso con la mano la cosí y observe que estaba muy pequeña y tuve que volverla ha realizarla más grande.

Esta son las imágenes antes de modificarlas:

Hi! Greetings to the #Hive community, today's post is a continuation of the Snoopy I made about a week ago: [Part 1]( -crochet-part-1crochet-snoopy-the-aviator-part-1).

My sister met a month ago and on her birthday she sent me the link with Snoopy's pattern (which she wanted to ask me ha ha) this Snoopy is for her, it has already been several days after her birthday, but it's better late never.
As I told you in the other post, I had to make modifications to the pattern because the head was big and the body was small, as well as the hands, the macha and the tail.
I started doing the body, the hands, the feet and the stain. I made the body bigger, and the hands, feet and stain I made it taking into account the pattern, however, when I sewed it to the head I realized that the body was very long, I had to unsew it and unweave it a bit to That it was less long, the same thing happened with my hand, I sewed it and observed that it was very small and I had to make it bigger.
These are the images before modifying them:



Source: Photo taken by the author @xeliram on a cell phone.

Así estaba el Snoopy, cuando tuve que volver a descoser y destejer el cuerpo, y volver a realizar las manos.

This is how Snoopy was, when I had to re-undo and unweave the body, and redo the hands.

Source: Photo taken by the author @xeliram on a cell phone.

Les muestro las modificaciones que realice posteriormente.

I teach them the modifications that I make later.

Source: Photo taken by the author @xeliram on a cell phone.

Los pasos que use para el cuerpo no los anote y como tuve que destejer pues allí perdí la cuenta.

En cuanto a las manos realice los siguientes pasos:

  • V-1 Anillo mágico con 6 puntos bajos
  • V-2 tejer 1 aumento en cada punto
  • V-3 tejer 3 puntos bajos y un aumento hasta culminar la vuelta
  • V-4,5 tejer 1 punto bajo por cada punto
  • V-6 tejer 2 puntos bajos y una disminución
  • V-7-11 tejer 1 punto bajo por cada punto
  • V-12 tejer un punto bajo y una disminución
  • V-13 tejer un punto bajo por cada punto, cortar y dejar hilo para coser.

The steps that I used for the body, I did not write them down and how I had to unravel because there I lost count.
As for the hands, perform the following steps:

  • V-1 Magic ring with 6 single crochets
  • V-2 work 1 increase in each stitch
    • V-3 work 3 single crochets and an increase until the end of the round *
  • V-4,5 work 1 single crochet for each stitch
  • V-6 knit 2 single crochets and a decrease
  • V-7-11 work 1 single crochet for each stitch
  • R-12 knit a single crochet and decrease
  • R-13 work a single crochet for each stitch, cut and leave thread to sew.

Source: Photo taken by the author @xeliram on a cell phone.

Culmine realizando los detalles de las patas, la bufanda, la mancha y la cola.

Finish by making the details of the legs, scarf, stain and tail.



Source: Photo taken by the author @xeliram on a cell phone.



I hope you liked it, greetings to my friends crocheters puedes seguirnos también por Instagram: [xeliramcrochet](

Note: The titles were created and edited by @xeliram using, the images were taken and edited by the author.

I am Marilex Porteles, Mathematics teacher, researcher, dreamer, I like weaving, swimming and I am the mother of a beautiful girl.

Give UPVOTE if you like, COMMENT and RESTEEM for others to know THANK YOU.


Aw! This is so cute!

Saludos, Gracias.
Greetings thank you.