On my birthday MypictureDay Submission. /El dia de mi Cumpleaños participación de MypictureDay.

in My Picture Day4 years ago (edited)

El dia de mi Cumpleaños participación de MypictureDay.



Hola querida comunidad hoy vengo a mostrarles mi dia en una fotografía, con ganas de participar en este concurso me decidí hacer un cambio de imagen aprovechando mi dia de cumpleaños.

MypictureDay es un concurso creado por @timsaid y patrocinado por @blocktrades y por @theycallmedan, gracias a ellos por crear estas iniciativas que ayudan y motivan a la comunidad.

On my birthday MypictureDay participation.

Hello, the dear community today I come to show you my day in a photograph, with a desire to participate in this contest I decided to make a change of image taking advantage of my birthday.

MypictureDay is a contest created by @timsaid and sponsored by @blocktrades and @theycallmedan, thanks to them for creating these initiatives that help and motivate the community.

Tenía mucho tiempo con ganas de cortarme el cabello y mejorar mi imagen 2 años sin pasar por una peluquería han hecho que mi cabello creciera y las canas salieran a flote.

Me dispuse a jugar un poco con la cámara y dejar fluir mis emociones frente al espejo antes de ir a la peluquería, con el deseo de volver renovada.




I wanted to cut my hair and improve my image for a long time. 2 years without going through a hairdresser have made my hair grow and the grey hairs come out.

I set out to play a little with the camera and let my emotions flow in front of the mirror before going to the hairdresser's, with the desire to come back refreshed.

Se dice que cuando las mujeres quieren un cambio radical en su vida lo primero que hacen es cambiar el corte, color y forma de peinar su cabello y esto es verdad.

Con este corte quiero dejar atrás la escasez, la negatividad, la queja, la enfermedad, las necesidades económicas. Que llegue todo lo bueno especialmente el AMOR.



It is said that when women want a radical change in their life the first thing they do is change the cut, colour, and way they style their hair and this is true.

With this cut, I want to leave behind the scarcity, the negativity, the complaint, the illness, the economic needs. May all good things come, especially LOVE. Lo

Espero que te haya gustado un poco mi cambio, aunque pensé que iba ser más radical, Gracias por leerme, te leo en los comentarios.

Por último juguemos un poco cuántos años crees que cumpli? Dime en los comentarios la edad que crees que tengo y te respondo cuando el post tenga 3 días de publicado. Gracias Dios les bendiga.




I hope you liked my change a little, although I thought it would be more radical, thanks for reading me, I read you in the comments.

Finally, let's play a little how old do you think I am? Tell me in the comments how old you think I am and I will answer you when the post is 3 days old. Thank you God bless you.


The photographs belong to me were taken with a Huawei Honor 8s cell phone. And the blue ones were edited with the edition of photos from an Alcatel cell phone.


Happy birthday Ana Marai!!

Age guessing is a tough one, and I'm unfamiliar with Latino features, I'm going to guess 33, please don't be offended of I get it wrong 😑

Hey! Thanks, buddy.

You made a good case for your appreciation, jijiji 😁🤣

I promise not to bother with anyone, they're free to express themselves. You're very kind with your answer.

The answer to me in 3 days.

A big hug 🤗 @livinguktaiwan

Hello @livinguktaiwan good morning friend, my 41st birthday.

The age you calculated for me is very similar to the age many people estimate me to be.

Thank you for answering my question, you were the only one who did it but I am satisfied that you did it, thank you.

Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Curated by @blessed-girl


Visita nuestro Discord

Gracias siempre cuento con su apoyo. Muchas gracias.