#1 Corruption in the United States! Arizona State University

in We The X4 years ago

Arizona State University swallows my money by bullying me, they threatened me that if I continue to speak out my voice, they would give me a behavior violation record. What a shame to suppressing my voice!

I dropped my class on GIT 598, which is one day after the refund deadline, the reason I am late is that the professor didn't publish the syllabus about the final project until Oct 19th, 2020, while the deadline is Oct 18th. When she published it, I realize that's not what I expected, I then talked with the professor immediately that morning, she just denied my proposal to align this course with my personal interests with no any specific reason. She just wants students to follow her syllabus strictly, in which we are required to somehow design the website for six online business vendors she chose, I strongly doubt they have some unknown interests behind it because the professor doesn't allow us to choose any other design targets. And she hides this information until Oct 19th, which just passed the refund deadline, we have no way to escape it.
After I dropped the class, I give a phone call to the Student Business Office the other day, the guy who picked up the phone told me that I need to talk to someone in my school to assess the situation. When I asked him who can I talk to, he just replied to me that** "I can't tell you, you need to do the research yourself, if I told you, my boss would blame me".**

Then I did some research, connected to my academic advisor, she told me that if the professor changed the syllabus, my request could be approved, after days, she replied to me that the syllabus wasn't changed, so my request was denied. I explain to her that I am not sure if the professor changed it or not, the only thing I know is that I don't have much information about it until Oct 19th. I asked her if this is a valid reason. She then keeps in silent for several days, until I gave her another email, she then replied to me "no" with no specific reason. I asked her for the reason, she came into a big silence again.

After days without a response, I then write an email to my program chair, he directed me to the Dean's office. After days of communication and waiting, the one in the dean's office replied to me "no" with no specific reason again. I asked for the reasons, a big silence following. She threw me back to my school to seek the answer again.

In this situation, I contacted another professor who is very nice and we have some connection before, he helped me contacting the one behind my academic advisor. We have a zoom call this morning. She explained to me that the professor has given the syllabus, that piece of information I want is just some neglectable details. But from my perspective, that's very crucial information that should be mentioned in the syllabus( I would like to choose my own interesting topic for my final project, that's what my other classes did. This professor didn't mention any outline for the final project like you can't choose your own topic, you need to choose from my lists, she even didn't mention what's the topic would be).

She told me they won't do the adjustment, if I keep the search for help regarding the withdrawal things, they will give me a behavior violation record, and sue me for harassment.

"I can't tell you who you can reach to in your school, you need to do the research yourself, if I told you, my boss would blame me".
--ASU Student Bussiness Office
"If you keep the research for help regarding the withdrawal things, I will give you a behavior violation record, and sue you for harassment, understand?"
-- Leader of School

I am not sure what I can do in this situation. What a Shame on ASU!
They give an explanation on the blurry lines for what's best for money swizz instead of the justice, that's a big amount of money, above $4,000 dollars.
And they give me a Grade W in that class, which would influence my future interviews to land a job!