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RE: AZL Dream Journal Excerpt 003

in DREAM2 years ago (edited)

I don’t know how to do those cool quote bars, I’ve got to figure that out.

Ok, so from the phone (or same from a computer) you can use this sign to quote the part or the post or sentence you want.


Yeah, I saw it is somehow reverse, or backwards haha, but couldn't explain. So kind of a mirror writing ... Cool 😎
Tutorials! Why not? You see, you have already one who would sign up for the lessons 😁

Balance, balance! So important! Also, always trying to reach it, failing most of the time I think 😂


though this does require an “audible” connection to silence…if that makes any sense lol!

Check my latest post if you want...more about silence in music, but when you said silence... :)


Thanks for showing me how to do that!!

I’ll check it out now, I’ve really been enjoying your posts in general so I know it won’t disappoint :)