Pod-addict, already??

in NaPodPoMo2 years ago

It feels like I'm back in school, but actually enjoying it this time around. 😂 No - maybe a better description is an after-school club, because there you have all these people surrounding you that actually LOVE what they're doing. They're brave and they're ready to jump into that hobby/talent - and the energy is carrying everyone along. THAT is what this NaPodPoMo FIRST WEEK has been like for me!

I've been a writer for a long time, and so I've grown comfortable with it. I love it, and I still grow with it - and push myself, but it is so familiar! It's a relaxing sort of flow, nice and easy, exciting too - but it's in my wheelhouse.


I've always been intimidated by the thought of it. I've always pictured big voices like stars and celebrities - people that you'd actually be star-struck to see in real life. Who in the world would want to listen to a podcast of me??? and WHY?

That's the thing, though - isn't it? We all really do have a story to tell. Sometimes, multiple stories that can impact people. My journey this month is all about our family's victory with autism, and my podcast is called:

Click on the image to visit the podcast & follow our story ❤️

The highlight of this week's episodes have all been about the beginning of our journey with autism - which in a lot of ways was the scariest part since there was so much that was unknown, and therefore, so much to fear! (or so I thought!) But looking back, each episode has been this amazing acknowledgement for how far we have come, and just how hard we have all fought. It's been a very sweet week for me, and a real celebration! Especially since one of the amazing things that has come out of this journey - is my son's musical talent. And the episodes feature his music as the background sounds. I love this! So far, it's been really special for me to be able to reach out and connect with people in the comment section and in DM - and so it's already a great success for me! The rest is just icing on the cake!

TIPS that I've learned this week that might help you!

  • Start with the programs you know! For me, it might be an extra step (I'm not sure) but using the video apps that I'm familiar with has been GREAT! I know exactly how to add music and images there, do sound effects, use fading and trimming, splitting, editing... i just start there and when I'm done - I upload my podcast to YouTube (for making it public later), and publish to Anchor. Thankfully, @aureal is set to automatically take my podcast from Anchor and publish it to Hive. easy, peesy, 1-2-3sy! And Anchor automatically loads my podcast to Spotify too!

  • I like the sound quality of my high -end mic, but.... honestly? my Moto has pretty sweet sound too!! And it's easier also! So, don't feel like you need to go pro at this stage. YOU DON'T. Just get started with what you have! You'll see that it's more than enough!

  • but one day I DID use my high end mic, and it picked up EVERY sound, including those annoying mouth sounds. lol THIS VIDEO ON YOUTUBE was a great tutorial on how to get rid of mouth sounds, like pops,clicks and s-sounds! I followed it, step by step - and it worked like a charm! If you have those sounds too - use this and you'll see a great improvement!

  • HAVE FUN WITH IT. If you hate design, don't worry so much about your cover art. Start with the templates on CANVA.com - and just add your own title and your own pic! If you love design, have a blast and make it your own!! Do this with ALL the aspects of this challenge. Don't get so focused on the things that are sucking your joy away. Spend as much time as you can with the parts you love - you'll be happier throughout!


It's only November 4! You haven't missed out on a lot! If you're wondering whether you should join or not - TAKE THE LEAP! hehe You have even more people to ask for help now! We're ready to bring you in!! See you next week!

Thanks to @shadowspub, @bluefinstudios, @kenechukwu97, @kemmyb, @jamerussell, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971 and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Images used:
Artwork for my podcast designed by me, using Canva elements


I got in about an hour ago from staying the night at extended family for Guy Fawkes... I was not planning to stay !LOLZ I actually really wanted to come home, get a good night sleep again and be ready to start my podcast journey this morning but my Oli begged me... and our hosts kept asking us to stay ... and it was a small group of us there (family with two of my s-i-l's sister's friends - can you work out this relationship? haha - there were 4 kids and 7 adults in all) and Brett was enjoying himself... so... I caved... and am just getting on Hive proper for the first time this weekend.

Right... it seems the first step is to listen to the mega feed and support the existing podcasters and then follow your instructions to get set up and start myself! Oh boy! This is gonna be a long day ahead of me... haha... it feels quite daunting at the moment... which is why I want to listen to a few others first and get a feel... maybe then I won't feel so resistant 🤣🤣🤣🙈🙈🙈 It's just because it is something completely out of my comfort zone... and it involves using Hive Signer ... and that puts me off right there as I always hit frustrating issues with it that send me round in circles... so if I can get over that hurdle, I guess like you say... I just need to pretend that I am sending somebody a voice message 😂

You must be killin' it out here!
@samsmith1971 just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @dreemsteem.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Why can't you trust an atom?
Beause they make up everything.

Credit: reddit
@dreemsteem, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @samsmith1971

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

hehehe i knew you would do it and shine!!!!!!!! you're doing so great hahaha

don't forget to go claim your prizes on the new @dreemport post!

aw thanks... it's going ok... lol ... being brave! xx

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.

thank you @bhattg!!! hehehe
and @indiaunited!


You know my thoughts on this. You know me by now... or should. This is a new direction for you, I feel. Not to overshadow your current vibe. Or to say you are leaving the Dreemport behind; this, if anything. Could just be seen as an extension of...

Because it's important to connect... to #seekpeece, to resonate with my #buildingpositivebridges.

This is awesome... looking forward to seeing (and hearing!) what you will share with us next! This... to me, is so in resination with #thoughtfuldailypost!

Love and light, dear friend!


@tipu curate
!giphy Autism Awerness

oh yes, extension for sure. Not at all leaving DreemPort behind - but maybe something I use in the future to reach out to others to bring them to DreemPort! hehe

I had been planning on doing videos- and recently (2 days ago) had a storage card freak out inside my phone and lose ALL my footage that was being turned into videos for this month (15 videos in total) I was so devastated. but.... maybe now - instead of doing videos, I'll end up doing podcasts??? no idea hahaha but I am really loving this!!!

thank you so much for your support!!! love you Wes!!!

Hehe.. A school club of podcasting.. It is the first week but feels like I have been there for months😂😂.. Though the journey has been rough for me with work and trying to balance life with an equation(PS: It isn't 😭) I am too far gone in it to quit now.

Thanks for bringing this up for dreemers.. Love you☺☺.

hehehehe I'm so proud of our brave dreemers - and there is a little surprise for everyone who was the bravest and jumped in for the first week! I just posted it on the @dreemport blog - go check it out and claim your prize hehehe

Oh... That's awesome dreem. A good way to boost our morale.
Thank you.

This month will really be amazing 🤩🤩
It feels there is more fun in this podcasting ma 😋
Reading from @dreemport

hehehehe there is time to join in the fun and seeing what its all about!!! we're having so much fun! and there were just some surprises announced for the first week dreemers hehehe

hope to see you joining in! hehehe

Fun indeed Ma 🙂
Hehehe don't know yet

You have, of course, nailed yours Dreemieweemieseeme

hahahaha and I have been catching up with so many things (still have to do 2 podcasts today - but maybe only one will get done hahaha)

and i've been hearing hilarious things about your podcast - and i cannot wait to binge on them tonight!!!!!!!! LOLOLOL

GREAT job - and make sure you go take note of the new post up on @dreemport to go claim your prizes for doing an awesome job! hehehehe

Yes I need to do some two episodes a day to catch up too...
Your fountain link is not working, I will see if I can read yours

I'll have a listen to these sometime :) ... Right now I really can't, but I'll be back to hear your story 🙌

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

hehehe my busy bee friend!!! you keep buzzing to all the field of flowers around you! they will be happy to see you! hehehe

sending hugs to you!!!

Thanks so much ♥️ Sending hugs back, and hoping you will have a wonderful weekend :)


@dreemsteem! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I used to be addicted to soap
but now I'm clean.

Credit: lofone
@dreemsteem, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @wrestlingdesires

Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!

I missed this and just got back properly online yesterday because I was without a phone for a month. I do post though but my engagement was zero.

Podcast, I would say wow to that and I am certain you will nail it. It looks like a few others are participating in the challenge so I will watch or listen to yours first before going around.

It's s been a while mama.

hi sweetheart! yes - been a while for sure. A lot of things happening in the world around us - and many people being affected

But we still press on with joy and faith and hope!

Sorry to hear that you've been without a phone. I had some tragic things happen to my device too - but I'm seeing it as maybe a way that the Lord is bringing a new opportunity for me to add to my current plans for our group. we'll see. but either way - I know it's all for my good :)

My podcasts are all on my blog - you can listen in the future when your life calms hehehehe

love you!

The podcasts I've listened to so far have been brilliant!

I just caught up to all of the megafeed - literally listened to like 25 podcasts today to catch up to the whole feed hahahaha

I was out of town this week and today was my first full day home - and whew. what a freaking long day. lol 20 hours of straight work. hahahaha now.... SLEEP! lol

You should try a podcast! hahahaha

😅 Thats a lot of podcasts!!

I learnt a lot front this informative post.
You are impacting knowledge and I acknowledge that.
I hope to see more quality content from you.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

thanks! I hope that more people try this out hehehe it really is a lot of fun! I listened to so many podcasts on the megafeed today for NaPodPoMo - and some were really AMAZING!!!

loving to see what this challenge is doing!

Thank you for the response, the podcasters are intelligent and amazing.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @wesphilbin on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@wrestlingdesires(3/15) tipped @dreemsteem (x1)

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