The Magnetic Field Resembles the Electric Field of 2 Bound Charges

in MES Science3 months ago (edited)

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In this video I show that the magnetic field resembles the electric field of 2 "bound" or very closely together charges. The magnetic field is the shape that iron filings make in the presence of a magnet (both electromagnetic with current in a coil or loop of wire, and a permanent magnet). The electric field is the shape of the field indicating the force between 2 electric charges: like charges repel and opposites attract. Using the University of Colorado Boulder electric field simulator, I also show that the electric field of a collection of bound and aligned charges resembles very closely the magnetic field of a permenant magnet. This begs the question as to whether the magnetic and electric fields are just the same field under different conditions: the electric field is for separated charges while the magnetic field is for bound charges?

Magnetic Field Electric Field.jpeg

Links used in the video


  • Electromagnet vs Permanent Magnet: 0:00
  • Iron filings in presence of magnetic field: 0:08
  • Electric field and electric charges: 0:14
  • Magnetic field resembles Electric field: 0:25
  • Electric Field Simulator: 0:32
  • Magnetic field resembles electric field: 0:47
  • A permenant magnet resembles many bound charges: 1:01

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