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RE: Jeff Behary's Electrotherapy Museum Full of Restored Tesla Coils

in MES Science29 days ago

Interesting questions. I'm just starting to learn up on the math so I won't be able to answer it right now. However, according to ChatGPT, it is cumulative and precision depends on your resources, for example having access to lab equipment:


Well, I appreciate the input. I've looked into the best materials for the results I'm after and it looks very achievable. If you're up for it, I can give you some details later, and then you could come up with the mathematical prediction. I'd experimentally test this, but it may be a few months out given my current schedule. (Not to mention I'd need to design a machine for measurement that would align with my budget.)

 24 days ago  

Interesting. Sure send me what you come up with, and I will see if I can get something back. Would be good exercise for me to learn the math of it all.

I admire your love for math. Will do, I can't promise it will be very soon. I have a lot on my plate but I did write the experimental protocol for how I would use it. I want to prove I can pull off the coil and then maybe seek a grant, because most funding is only at a minimum of a post-doctoral graduate level.

 16 days ago  

Sounds good, looking forward to it!