Simple diy gadget maintenance

in Build-It3 years ago (edited)

Hello Hive

How often do you cross check your gadgets and machines to rule out any fault it may have, or do you often forget this tiny things that can knock down a machine totally.
Constructed gadgets and personal machines requires proper maintenance

Every machine or gadget requires
maintenance for it to function properly, simple lubrication and cleaning of dust can cause severe havoc when not done

The kind of frustration I got from working with faulty sewing machine made me mad in search of a solution as to how I can get it repaired and back in shape.

During this process i am more than willing to loss every nut and check it out myself, but you wouldn't want go do that if you have no prior knowledge of the different parts.

I got the screw drivers and tried what I can, loosened every single part of it, cleaned and added oil to lubricate all the metal surface.

It worked like magic the sound of the machine got better and the stitches were just perfect. I have been working with it for a long while without knowing that simple thing as such could make me not to enjoy a proper functioning of this machine.








These were just the little things i did that brought my machine back to life.

Thanks for reading, I hope you will give your gadgets some proper maintenance too.


Great post! I am always trying to show people the importance of regular maintenance.

That is a very beautiful sewing machine!

Thank you so much...
I appreciate that you stop by
Have a great day