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RE: Blacksmithing at home part 3: my apron, my first knife and tongs

in Build-It • 4 years ago

Thank you 😊
What do you mean by inverted shape? You mean rounded bevel? If so then I see what you mean. I tried keeping it flat as possible on the belt sander but without a jig it was difficult to keep the angle


Sorry, inverted is probably not the right word. I mean concave, like hollowed out. It looks a bit like that on the photo. It works at first, but is not good over time.

This is what I mean:
1 - better not
2+3 - ok, depending on purpose
4 - japanese, basically the same as 2+3
5 - might as well go all the way for 6
6 - best

6 is, however, taking the most work and time to do. But it pays with stability and lasting sharpness.

Ah ok. Mine is actually like 5. I think it’s the light that makes it looks like concave. It’s actually a hybrid between 5 and 6 lol