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RE: Ant season with the rains (Eng) // Temporada de hormigas con las lluvias (Esp)

in Insects Of The World β€’ 3 years ago

Great write-up ^^ .. I like your educational styke a lot πŸ‘ .. This species of ants look so unique and so huge .. I never saw one of these before. Thank you very much for explaining them to us 😊

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Welcome to my blog my friend. In South America they are one of the most common species of ants, it is one of the most constant cases that come to me when they attack crops and being the reproductive season due to the rains, I decided to talk a little about them. On the other hand, I don't know in which country you are, but these ants are from the American continent, maybe this is the reason why you haven't found any so far. Thank you very much for your appreciation and support, greetings my friend! :)