Insects Of The World - INSECT CONTEST - October 2021 - #03

in Insects Of The World3 years ago
Authored by @adalger

Hello Nature Lovers !


I would like to cordially invite you to another great week of the Insects Of The World Contest ^^ To participate in the Insects Of The World Contest just write up a post about an interesting insect of your choice, characterize it and explain to us why you believe that your chosen species is especially important or interesting. You find more details in the rules below ^^

The INSECTS OF THE WORLD COMMUNITY is there FOR ALL POSTS ABOUT THE WORLD OF THE INSECTS AROUND YOU. We would highly appreciate it if you share your great content there with us! .. The contest is located there as an integrated part and special community feature ^^ The community also features a weekly Curation Report (@lourdeshd6, @nicanor-mosquera) !

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Contest Rules :

  • POST your entry INTO the INSECTS OF THE WORLD COMMUNITY and MENTION that your post is an ENTRY. It is appreciated if leave a link to the contest too, so that interested readers may find it directly.

  • Add the SCIENTIFIC NAME of the species IN THE TITLE

  • All pictures have to be your own. Please show SEVERAL PICTURES from different angles and perspective so that we get to know the insect as good as possible.

  • FULLY CHARACTERIZE your chosen insect. In some cases it may be difficult to name the exact species, but at least the family can be stated easily.

  • FULLY DESCRIBE your chosen insect including details like Place of Spread, Appearance and a Timestamp. Also EXPLAIN us WHY IT IS especially INTERESTING OR IMPORTANT for you personally.

  • The last point is an ESSENTIAL part of this contest; so at least 400 words (per language) are the minimum that should be covering this!

  • Drop the LINK to your post IN THE COMMENTS. You can add a picture if you like. It is NECESSARY as I have to post a link in Discord on Friday, 5 days later for voting and also for my own compiling purposes.

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If there is something not entirely clear to you, here is a example that you can get some impression on how to make a favorable entry. It shows to you which information we are interested the most about your presented species.

Example Post

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Prizes to Win :

  • 1st : 1 HBD
  • 2st : 0.5 HBD
  • 3rd : 0.25 HBD

I will present all participants in the entries section in the announcement posts that will be published roughly one week later on Sunday (depending on my time schedule this may shift ^^). This way you will have a nice compilation of them all. The number of winning places is adaptable and differs by the number of participants to keep a 50% winner limit (1 to 3 - one place, 4 to 6 - two places, 6 or more - full podium). As an special feature, the new title picture will be created from the entry of the contest winner. This time it is from @elentogether.

How are the Winners chosen ?

The voting on the winners will be done by the whole DNA community. Therefore we created a contest channel in the DNA Discord (Insects Of The World Contest). Here I will post the announcement post including the winners (Announcements) EACH SUNDAY together with all your entries (Entries) EACH FRIDAY. Every member of DNA will be able to assign voting emojis under the entries for 24 HOURS. In the end those three with the most are the lucky winners. In addition we try to avoid to have the same winner in a row. I will engage as a judge in case of a draw ^^

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@elentogetherMicrochrysa Flavicornis


The winner of the last contest round was chosen by the DNA community members to be @elentogether. This time she participated with the Microchrysa Flavicornis. This species is from the order of Diptera, which comprise all the flies out there. Next to the full charackterisation we got to know here, that also this fly is actually native to Northern and Central Europe, she spotted it in Venezuela, on the other side of the world. Thus, we have a perfect and interesting example of a documented migratory species here ^^ .. Thank you very much for this nice entry ;)

see more

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see more

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DNA - Densifying Nature-Appreciation :


DNA is an organization to foster and DENSIFY NATURE-APPRECIATION which aims to establish REPORTS OF BIODIVERSITY DATA that is contributed by all of us Hiveans and subsequently cataloged.

Therefore DNA searches for HIGH-QUALITY posts that aim to DESCRIBE and determine the BIODIVERSITY AROUND YOU with added EXPLANATIONS and INFORMATION. For these informative posts they offer a CURATION SERVICE using the account. It is also a CURATION TRAIL. Just add the #dna TAG if you think that any of your posts is what they are looking for.

At the moment DNA is the home of #amazingnature for all your post about the amazing nature all around us, the #aquaticsentinels for all your posts about marine topics, the #featheredfriends for all you great posts about our feathered friends, the #fungifriday for all your posts about fungi and mushrooms and the #insectsoftheworld for all posts about the world of insects ^^ But we hope that more nature related communities will join, or maybe some Hiveans start their own little project there ;) .. Maybe even you?






If you are INTERESTED in DNA, please do not hesitate to ask about it, or directly JOIN US in the DNA DISCORD ;)

"By The People, For The People"

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Clickable Banner that redirects to the Community ^^


Best wishes,


Thank you!, this makes me very happy 🙂. God bless you all

You are highly welcome @elentogether ^^ .. Thank you very much for your contribution again and congrats for your winning place 😊

Hi there Insect Lovers of Hive ^^

First of all, a really big thanks to @elentogether and @alexaivytorres for her nice entries and support to this format with their constant entries each week ! It is soo nice to see engaged people out there dedicating their time and are helping in making Hive a bit more educative every day;)

This said, I wish you all out there a great week ahead and a nice time during your insect hunts ^^

Best wishes,

Thank you!, I'm very happy 🙂

My pleasure 😉

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Thanks for the badge ^^

You're welcome @adalger

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