Orange Ladybug, an extinct insect

Indonesia is a tropical country which is rich in flora and fauna. There is one fauna from the insect class that comes from the Coleoptera / Beetle Order whose existence is starting to be difficult to find, namely the harlequin ladybug or koksi beetle.


The koksi beetle is a type of beetle that is easily marked because of the black spots on its back. The spots that adorn their backs make them easy for predators to see. In general, koksi beetles have bright and striking back colors such as red, orange and yellow. Its orange back looks shiny in the sun.


When I was in elementary school, it was still easy for me to find koksi beetles around the garden, fields and also in the yard. When we are in the fields and gardens, we will take a small jar with us to catch the beautiful koksi beetle. Its tiny body will fly agilely, trying to avoid our catch. But now, it's hard for me to find koksi beetles in gardens and fields. If I find koksi beetles, only 1-2 of them are visible.


On the legs of the koksi beetle, it has fine hairs that can grip tightly to any object it lands on. If we look in more detail, the tip of the leg is shaped like a claw, because of that the koksi beetle can also attach to objects made of glass. Fine hair on his legs contains a number of oils that function as glue, so that Koksi beetles can be easily attached to a number of objects


Based on the picture, we can see the legs are 3 pairs / 6 pieces. Its short legs can move quickly from one leaf to another.


On the head there is a pair of antennae that function as a sense of smell. This antenna is able to feel everything around the koksi beetle.




Near the antenna, there is a pair of black eyes. These eyes look in harmony with the black spots that adorn its back.


Its oval-shaped back is very attractive, because generally koksi beetles have backs with bright colors and black spots.



Koksi beetles usually eat aphids, therefore we can find koksi beetles among the leaves that are attacked by aphids.




Now I will share information about the classification of the Koksi beetle, I will look for it from the internet with reliable sources. Based on data originating from
Koksi beetle has the following classification :
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insects
Order: Coleoptera
Upaordo: Polyphaga
Superfamily : Coccinelloidea
Family : Coccinellidae

When I tried to touch the koksi beetle, its body released mucus that smelled bad. The mucus secreted by the koksi beetle's body is yellowish and slightly sticky.


I tried to find some koksi beetles in my garden, but I couldn't find any other koksi beetles, only one with a light orange back.




All of my photos take with the realm cellphone camera GT Master Limited Edition.

Thank you for reading my post.
Best Regards