Sad Hope.

in Nerday3 years ago (edited)

The feeling of that sad hope that I feel of sometimes being free, flying like birds, seeing everything from the starry sky next to the moon.
Feelings of an artist who seeks to express nostalgia from the depths.


Greetings friends, these last few weeks have been very emotional for me, I have had ups and downs. I have some problems with controlling my mood recently, but not everything is bad ... It really helps me to drain and capture something fantastic in each story and each drawing.
Sometimes I feel so bad that I can't even take the pencil, but I encourage myself to do it because I know something great might come out.
"Sad hope" was illustrated precisely at that moment where I felt very sad, I wanted to reflect that sadness and melancholy in this work, I hope you like it.



Complete process.



  • Medibang Paint Pro
  • huion h610 pro v2

Twitter: Alexa_Ys
Instagram : alexa.artx
Rarible : alexaart
Ghostmarket : alexa
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el reflejo de la luna en sus ojos me encantó. Hermoso