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RE: Will Apple ever release a foldable iPhone

in Nerday2 years ago

I would love it if they enabled the Apple Pencil to work with an iPhone. I would buy on in a heartbeat, but the screen would also need to be big enough for that to make sense... In comes the foldable phone to make it work.

I dread the no ports, but then again maybe cords are pointless and I'm just used to something that is truly becoming obsolete. As long as they give me a viable alternative I'm okay. Airdrop works really well for transferring files for instance. Wireless charging is fine too, they just need to let us have fast charging wirelessly as other devices can do.


Oh yeah it would make sense for the Pencil to be compatible with the potential Foldable. As far as ports go.... I feel like until wireless charging becomes truly wireless charging (like Near Field Communication), no ports is a no-go. But Apple does have a way of dealing with people being skeptical about changes. Just fuckin do it anyway like when they killed the headphone jack. People complained but got over it. Now it's a standard.

Yea, if they pull the plug on ports too early that could cause issues with many of their loyal fans. They already had to revert on that with Macbook Pros.