APP that changes your reality

in Nerdaylast year

One day on facebook a friend uploads photos taken as if from another world, of course his were more like cyber punk.

Un día en facebook un amigo sube fotos sacadas como de otro mundo ,claro las de el eran mas tipo cyber punk .

However the App had more thematic, for me, it has a mystical touch like game of thrones, although I like more, relate it as a champion of league of legends.

Sin embargo la App tenia mas temáticas , para mi , tiene un toque místico como juego de tronos , aunque me gusta mas , relacionarlo como una campeona de liga de legendas .

Seriously it's very cool to use your photo and have something so professional come out instantly.

En serio esta muy genial usar tu foto y que salga algo tan profesional de forma instantánea

I know it's been a while, but I thought it would be interesting to share this here.

se que ya a pasado mucho , pero me pareció interesante compartir esto por aquí

If someone has already used it (I don't remember the name) or something similar, can you comment your experience if you want and how would you rate it?

si alguien ya la a usado (no recuerdo el nombre) o alguna parecida , puede comentar su experiencia si quiere y como lo calificarían?