[ESP-ENG] Pintando una pequeña parte de mí con acuarelas | Painting a little part of me with watercolors

in Nerday3 years ago


Título: Floreciendo
Técnica: Acuarelas sobre cartulina escolar.
Medidas: 34.3 x 28 cm

Title: Flowering
Technique: Watercolors on school cardboard.
Size: 34.3 x 28 cm



Ella es cálida y dulce como la miel, pero con el miedo de que no pueda ser tan fuerte que hieran su piel.

She is warm and sweet as honey, but with the fear that she can't be so strong that they hurt her skin.


Traslucida con sus sentimientos, abre paso a todo aquel que aporta una mínima de su ser.

Translucent with her feelings, she opens the way to everyone who brings a minimum of her being.


Germinando de su pecho, pequeños tallos delicados como papel, crecen por doquier buscando el soporte necesario de su querer.

Sprouting from her breast, small delicate stems like paper, grow everywhere looking for the necessary support of her love.


Solo en su pecho, ahí florecerá lo más profundo de su ser.

Only in his chest, there the deepest part of his being will blossom.


Fotos tomadas con Alcatel Ideal Xtra.

Photos taken with Alcatel Ideal Xtra.






Stunning 😍. I am really impressed 👌👏😍. Keep growing on hive. Lots of love ❤

Thank you very much, lots of love to you too <3

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