Painting a terrifying dream

in Nerday2 years ago


¿Alguna vez has escuchado sobre que los dientes están ligados a la muerte en los sueños?

Have you ever heard about teeth being linked to death in dreams?

Referencia / Reference




Mis dientes empiezan a sentirse débiles, como si estuviesen pegados de a poco a mi encía.

My teeth start to feel weak, as if they are slowly sticking to my gum.


Con el leve tacto de mi dedo de caen poco a poco, dejando atrás un gran mar de sangre en mi boca.

With the light touch of my finger they fall little by little, leaving behind a large sea of blood in my mouth.


Duele como si los arrancaran a la fuerza, sin antes dejar un vació lugar sin sentido.

It hurts as if they were ripped out by force, without first leaving an empty, meaningless place.


Algo más aterrador se acerca, lo percibo, mis dientes no son los únicos que caerán.

Something more terrifying is coming, I sense it, my teeth are not the only ones that will fall.


Alguien más se irá con ellos, ¿serás tú?, ¿seré yo? ¿o será mi alma?...

Someone else will go with them, will it be you, will it be me, or will it be my soul...?





I like your work....what inspired it?
I re blogged you piece so I can see it again.

Hi, thank you very much, in this work I was inspired by a dream where practically my teeth were falling out very easily and it was very scary.

On noo what happened after the teeth fell out? Did you look into what that might mean to you from past dreams you had?
The inspirations that came from that dream is quite something. It really is an interesting unique piece of work.