in Nerday3 years ago

Greeting Splinterland warriors!

How are you all I hope you will be fine and blessed its me moeenali here again with another post of splinterlands but let me inform you that here the earthquake happened in pakistan and it was recorded 6.4 and we are safe hope you guys will also safe.


The dark witch known as Contessa L’ament brings a chill to the entire audience of Mount Mox whenever she is called upon to summon. Her flowing robes seem to absorb light from all around; it is said that the eminence of a dark star is woven into their fabric. Read more

CONTESSA L'AMENT is a rare death summoner from the untamed edition with -1 range ability means that it will reduce the range attack of all enemy monsters with his negative range ability. However, i got a pack from today's quest and i opened it so got one rare CONTESSA L'AMENT that i already have at level 3 and two extra BCX and trying to make it level 4 atleast because i did not upgrade the death and life summoner yet both are at level 3 so that is not fine to work for me to beat the high level opponent with level 3 summoners.



Well, there is no extra abilities in this summoner but only negative ability that reduce one ranged attack from the enemy monsters. so here i am going to show the current price like you can see that i have one at level 3 worth of $5.2 and two more BCX so all these BCX worth of $6 round about that i got from the packs opening and also i sold some of them at start by getting from the packs. However, most of the BCX i got from the 100+ Packs opening that i made an investment for buying packs of 500 plus for the airdrop so i got 75 packs free for purchasing in a bulk with 1m dec tokens and round about i invested 2.5k hive in which i opened some of the packs and some i sold.



Well, here you can see the quest rewards of today that i completed the quest with the water splinter again before it was with the life splinter so i changed it to the new one and got again with the water splinter same like yesterday but still i did not reached to diamond 2 league soon will try to reach there within two days. However, these are the rewards of today including one untamed pack and some cards including 200 plus dec tokens from the quest so it was good at all.



Here is the result of today's pack opening in which i got one rare death summoner that i already explained above and also got some common cards including opportunity monster, the sneak ability, and horny toad with reach ability and the herbalist belongs to the life family with range attack.

All images are from the Splinterlands website

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Best Regards @moeenali


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