"Gollum" from The lord of rings || Ballpoint pen drawing✒️

in Nerday3 years ago (edited)


Hello everybody!

This is my first drawing post in the Nerday community.
And today I'm drawing a portrait of 'Gollum' from the movie The Lord of the Rings. This is a very important and interesting character in this movie. And his look is very strange and a bit scary. Anyway, I only used a blue ballpoint pen to draw it. I hope you enjoy it

Took an offset paper to draw the picture, on top of which I first draw the outline of the picture and slowly ink into it. This is how I finish drawing

here are some drawing shoots:





That's it!
Photo source

Who I am!


I'm Riyad

I am a learner and beginner artist, I learn and try to learn something new every day. I have been doing art and practicing for a while now. I Love to draw with pen and like to paint a lot with a pen. But art is not my main profession. I am doing textile engineering and continuing it as well as studying. My expectation is to present something good to everyone and that is what I am trying to do..My hive account name @riyadx

You can add me on facebook


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And this is my Discord id - riyad#9034

At the end of it all I want to say. My level of error is a little higher. Please forgive me if I make a mistake. If my post makes you happy, please encourage me by voting and commenting so that I can be more nuanced and share more creativity with you.

Thank you very much for your valuable time! 😊

Stay happy and healthy..

What an awesome Gollum! Perfect for the NERDAY NFT marketplace :). Great work!

Thanks you so much!

Well done brother, so brilliantly you did the stretch. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much brother ♥️

Fantastic sketching of Gollum. I love those eyes.

Thank you so much buddy ♥️

You are welcome. Good to see you on nerdy

I'm glad, it's nice to see you here too

Yeah, yeah. It's a home for starwars lovers.

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Stay creative & hive on!


Oh, the details... Well done,
Gotta bookmark this one cause Gollum kinda looks like me