A Dramatic Drawing of Figures with high contrast (Chiaroscuro).

in Nerday3 years ago (edited)


Hi Guys, This is a night mode drawing! I couldn't make the drawing before sunset due to some errands I had to run to keep the house healthy but I still insisted within me not to give up on the drawing today, so I made the drawing anyway and used my friend's (@ezunjoshy) phone to get a fair picture of the drawing since mine can't give me that.

The drawing actually was to preach more or depth and contrast but due snapping the work at night, I didn't get to achieve what I really desire but what I have isn't bad either, it still shows how healthy my strokes are even though I had them chaotic at some points in the figures. The two figures are my brother and my little neighbor, they sat on the sofa seeing a movie on my laptop while I draw them, I was able to capture my brother's face due to the fact that he kept looking at him while I was drawing!






Kindly share your thoughts as comments below, I'll be glad to read them all. Thanks.

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