This is what my Hive Punks look like IRL

in Punks on Hive3 years ago (edited)


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Punks will be Punks

This post was inspired by a #HivePunks initiative started by @whatsup and @bearbear613, which you can find here

Have you ever wondered what your pixel art Punk would look like in real life? I was asked this question and decided to turn my imagination into something more visual to others.

The following images are Hive Punks that I own and have listed for sale on I found images online and manipulated the file to look like my Hive Punk #NFTs.


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Vincent Delgado




Vince once chased down a customer who didn’t pay for their gas. After he caught them, he jerked off on the hood of their car while they were at a stop light.

Mazikeen Macias




Mazikeen likes to go to the beach and take photographs of strangers or so most would think. Her real reason for being there is to ideally get finger banged while her head is buried in the sand because she has an asphyxiation fetish.

Caden Buckley




Caden Buckley demanded a grizzly hood for his second birthday. Ever since he put it on, he has smoked exactly 3 cigars a day… One for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He enjoys sipping his mother's warm breast milk from a bottle while she sweeps up his cigar ashes from the wood floor. He calls himself a nutritionist because he tells his mother what he wants to eat constantly. His method of communication is crying.

Luca Galloway




One night after refereeing a drunken Krakowiak dance in Warsaw, Mr. Galloway was arrested for indecent exposure. He was found heavily intoxicated with his ass hanging out of a dumpster after a hobo had done obscene things with Luca’s incapacitated body. It was later found that LG had also taken large doses of prescription medicine after his performance. He picked up the 3D glasses during his first stop after getting out of jail, the IMAX theater.

Davis Peterson




Davis Peterson is obsessed with Norse mythology. So much so, that he constantly wears a butt plug with a Viking’s braided beard as the tail. His older sister once used it as part of her bearded-lady Halloween costume. Davis didn’t tell her what it was, nor did he wash it before letting her borrow it. He has 20/20 vision, but no soul.

Landry Espinoza




Landry loves nothing more than missing his granddaughter’s birthday parties in favor of the Saturday round of 18 holes with his high school pals. He has been quoted saying “Pre-gaming is more important than the final score”. He smokes Marlboro 100s because they match his favorite beanie.

Santiago Hutchinson




Former NBA Point Guard Santiago Hutchinson once sucked Steve Nash’s chode during halftime. He retired a week later and became a psychologist for NBA Agents. Why did he do it? So that Nash would let him get 10 assists and pad his stats for a bonus of $5,000. Yes, Santiago did gay for pay for only 5K and Nash’s team still won the game.

Arlo Harvey




During the COVID shutdown, Arlo Harvey struggled to find work. He now gets paid to stand naked in a second-story window of the downtown NYC BLM HQ. He refuses to take off his Santa hat. He once strangled a man with his limp BBC for attempting to remove his signature headwear.

Canaan Craft




Academy award winner Canaan Craft has a girlfriend half his age. He loves her, but will never have kids. His latest film Hive Hard had him embarking on a journey to reach 100k HP. The music from the film is now being used to treat deaf Pygmy people who scream out loud while they are sleeping.

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This is just some of my squad and they all have their own personality. If you wish to purchase any of my Hive Punks, feel free to make an offer or check my listings. Watch this video if you have any questions on where to find my listings.


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Discord: Daltono#5080


I hate how hard I laughed at these stories, out loud at work nonetheless. 😂

Very creative storytelling! Would definitely be interested in a part 2 if you are not against it...

So happy to know I was able to make you laugh. I was kind of testing the waters with these stories to see if people found them enjoyable to read, our downright unacceptable. I’m happy to know I’m not the only one with a sick sense of humor. I most certainly would love to right more comedic stories like these. The Punks make for the perfect subjects, as anything I make up about them must be accepted as truth.

For sure, any buyers better not change the story! It is written in stone at this point.

You were definitely testing the waters for some, I'm sure of that. But I don't think it would've been as funny to me without the surprising stories, it caught me off guard hardcore.

Having a sense of humor is essential for getting along with the real me. I can be professional, courteous, or whatever else is needed… but deep down I enjoy making jokes about the most terrible things. It’s the way I’ve always been and I think once somebody unlocks the ability to laugh at everything, then they really are on to true happiness.

These are amazing! lol!

I love the little one line stories as well. Punks IRL is great too!

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Super happy I saw your post which sparked my idea to better explain my Punks to the world.

The stories were almost as fun as the images themselves. I'm glad somebody approves of my twisted sense of humor.

Haha nice to have started the trend

Let’s hope others will jump in and show us more about who their Punks really are.

This is too funny and those photoshops... rofl

Glad you got a kick out of this. One of my favorite posts in quite awhile.

Can’t unsee these. The resemblance is so accurate

Yo it’s crazy isn’t it? Makes me want to take the time to do this for all 10,000 Punks because it is literally so funny. Legit may just convert my entire blog over to making up crazy stories about the Punks 🤣😂 never gets old and it’s a great outlet for expressing my outrageous humor.

Woah, that would be amazing!! But sounds like a lot of work haha I'm definitely willing to help! Creating a story for the HIVE Punks and giving them IRL faces adds so much to their value.

It gives them all even more reason to retain value 🧐

Exactly! I believe HIVE Punks will get to be high-value collectibles. I hope the market stirs up a bit to start defining what the community is after. I think that rarity points will not be that relevant, and we will focus more on the stories and distinctive traits.

It will be interesting to see the results the further away we get from the original mint date.

Lolz, Caden's a boss!


Mrs. Buckley suffers so Caden can become a legend.

This was great.

I’m glad you enjoyed my zany story. I had to do some slight research about medical terminology to make this one feel right. I must admit that seeing my gf watch Grey’s Anatomy here recently inspired this one quite a bit.

They were clever. I'd suggest that Vincent Delgado could also be a "kennyskitchen" lookalike from Hive. You be the judge though.

He could pass for sure, but let's hope that Kenny doesn't act out like Vincent. The hoods of cars are not a place for man juice.

Punk rocks!

OMG IS amazing. Congrats for u Big work.

Appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed the designs and the humor both.

You have a stunning and colorful collection, I'm not really into NFTs, at least not just yet, it's turning out to be an attractive industry already

Thank you! This is about half of my Punks. The other half isn't quite as interesting. Who knows, maybe I will still talk more about the rest of them soon...

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hahahaha! OMG! Arlo Harvey for the win! 🎅😆

I’m telling you now, nobody wants to mess with Arlo Harvey. They guy has seen some things and he’s not afraid to show what he’s got 😉

Haha, nice matches =)