Book - Securing Digital Rights for Communities | Chapter 13. Attack Vectors and What to Do

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Game Theory and Governance of Scalable Blockchains for Use in Digital Network States

Chapter 13. Attack Vectors and What to Do

Covers for Dan and Matt_s book 13.png

  • Direct 50% attack
  • Indirect slow accumulation attacks
  • How to defend against attacks
  • Achieving circular economies
  • You cant buy a community
  • The community is layer 0
  • Distribution as security
  • Forking holds the rich to account
  • Reputation building & trust
  • Reputation damage
  • NFTs for reputation building
  • Infrastructure operation
  • Voted as community member of the month
  • Benevolent acts create resilient communities and security
  • Its hard to attack a system that is helping people
  • Bringing the government into the ecosystem with bonds

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Great video! And thanks for increasing the audio volume!

Transcript ⏬
