Tutorial for making an elephant using Origami paper

in Hive Diy15 days ago

Elephants are one of my favorite animals since I was little. I like elephants because their bodies are big and have cute trunks, which makes elephants different from other animals.

At our place, elephants are also often tamed and made into animals that enjoy entertaining people. To realize my love for elephants, today I want to make an elephant-shaped handicraft from a piece of blue origami paper.

The following is a tutorial for making an elephant from origami paper.

First, fold the origami paper in half from one end to the other until the origami paper is in the shape of a triangle, after opening the first fold, then continue folding the origami paper again from different ends until it meets the other end until the middle of the paper has an X line pattern. like the picture below.

So, after that, turn the origami paper over and fold the paper in half like a normal fold, after opening the fold, then fold the origami paper in half again from different directions until when you open the origami paper it has a six star line pattern like the picture below.

After that, fold the right and left sides of the origami paper inward until the origami paper forms a box like the picture below.

Then fold the right and left sides of the origami paper until it has a sharp shape, then also fold the top inward as shown in the picture below.

After that, open the fold again and then fold the right and left sides of the origami paper inward until the shape looks like the picture below.

Then turn the origami paper over and fold the right and left sides of the paper again until the shape is tapered like the picture below, then also fold the top of the paper inwards.

After that, open the folds again on both sides and fold the two sides inward until the paper is pointed on both sides like the picture below.

Then fold the origami paper in half to the left and to the right as shown in the picture below, then open both folds and fold the fold pattern again inwards to the right and left so that the paper is in the shape of a four-pointed star.

After that, fold the right side of the origami paper in half and also slightly fold the left and right sides of the origami paper as shown in the picture below, do the same for the left side.

Then fold the paper and fold the top of the paper slightly inward.

Then turn the paper over again and then fold the origami paper in half until it has a shape like the picture below.

After that, fold down the back of the paper to make the elephant's tail pattern, then fold it again a little towards the top of the part that we have folded down, then open the back fold of the paper and fold it inwards like the picture below.

Then fold the left and right sides of the paper a little like the picture below, then slightly pull the sharp folds of paper inside to form this cute and beautiful elephant's tail.

After that, fold the front of the origami paper again to make a pattern for the elephant's head and trunk. Here we have to fold the pointy part downwards, then open the fold and fold both left and right sides again inward until it forms a pointy shape like the picture below.

After that, fold this part forward until the elephant's trunk is perfect, then at the end of the trunk fold it slightly downwards until the elephant's trunk really looks very perfect like the picture below.

This is an origami elephant created by my own hands, I hope my friends like it, apart from being able to be used as decoration such as placing it on a study table, this origami elephant can also be given as a gift to small children such as our younger siblings and nephews because they will definitely like it. really like it.

Thank you friends who have visited my creativity post today, see you in the next post.


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It looks pretty cool. What you did with paper, that's amazing. Well done! Keep it up!

Thank You

 14 days ago  

Es una hermosa recreación de un elefante. Tienes tanto material en la infografía, que hubiese sido interesante ver un video sobre este tutorial, que puedes ser incluso con esas fotografías en secuencia, con algún efecto y música.

Si te atreves algún día sería genial ver ese resultado, yo quiero atreverme a hacerlo también, pero me ha costado un poco... veremos

Thank you for your support sister

Asombroso trabajo, recuerdo que cuando era pequeño hacía muchas rosas, este arte es muy relajante y divertido, también recuerdo que llegue hacer hasta perros y gatos, pero deje de hacerlos porque me comenzó a gustar otros tipos de artes, como el dibujo, excelente trabajo amigo, gracias por compartir.

Escrito por lionsaturbix

Amazing work, I remember when I was little I made many roses, this art is very relaxing and fun, I also remember that I even made dogs and cats, but I stopped making them because I began to like other types of arts, such as drawing, excellent work my friend, thanks for sharing.

Written by lionsaturbix

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