Let's make a beautiful decorative flower

in Hive Diy8 months ago


Hello art lovers

Now I am returning to show you a new work, of course it will entertain you and it will also be a good idea to decorate your home and I hope all this is useful

Every house without decoration, like a tree without fruit, is not attractive and looks ordinary, so a house looks like it has just been neglected, so it would be nice, even if it isn't real flowers, at least there are decorative flowers, either bought or made yourself.

To save time and money, I will provide an important tutorial for those of you who love art and make your home beautiful and look very luxurious, namely making decorative flowers from Origami paper.

As we know, there are lots of flowers, but I will make decorative flowers. For those of you who like them, please follow my steps and carefully study the tutorial that I share, I hope it is easy for you to understand.

Materials for making decorative flowers

  • Glue


  • Scissors


  • Stapler


  • Pink paper


  • Green color paper


All ingredients with complete


Steps to make decorative flowers

(1) The first step is to cut the paper into two parts, then fold the square in half, then fold it again inwards, then cut at the edge of the paper and inside to form a beautiful flower and do this on two pieces of paper parallel to make it neat.

IMG_20231011_144442.jpgIMG_20231011_144451.jpg ¦

(2) After cutting, look at the results by opening the paper and checking whether it is correct and see the good results from the image I am sharing


(3) After opening it then go inside again with the leaves aligned like in my picture for the cat, take a stapler and do it in the middle so it's neat


(4) After that, open it again and make the flowers bloom and open the leaves slowly so that the results are neat


(5) Then take green paper, make a flower stem by rounding it to length and then put glue on the stem so that it holds


(6) Then take more green paper and make flower leaves using the same cutting method as cutting flowers, namely the edges and inside according to the picture


(7) Then take the stems and leaves that have been made then attach them to the flower


Here are some photos after becoming friends in a flower vase and very beautiful


Decorative flowers have become friends and please try so that your house doesn't look lonely and of course it will be luxurious if the decorations are in the house, especially if you equip all the rooms with flowers, it will certainly be attractive and beautiful.

For those of you who love flowers, of course you will like all flowers, whether decorative or original, but what is certain is that your home will definitely look luxurious

This is all I can share on this occasion, I hope you like it and are entertained, see you in the next post, friends


About me

My full name is aries bin muhammad, many friends on the nest platform call my name ari or aries, I come from the country of Indonesia which is specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 2006 until now I have completed high school education. I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @aries12


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Thank you very much

Me encanta, te quedó super linda, te felicito.

Thank you very much friend hopefully useful

Decorative flowers like these are a lovely addition to any home's decor. They can brighten up spaces and add a touch of elegance. Well done.

Thank you very much for the visit and support hope with home flowers more beautiful