Let's make a parrot with Origami paper

in Hive Diy9 months ago


Hello friends, everyone, hive and art lovers

How are you all, happy to meet again and be able to share the next tutorial. In recent days my body has not been healthy so I was forced to just look at posts but couldn't work, but thank God today I am healthy again.

As a start, I want to share a tutorial from unique and interesting colored Origami paper that will certainly cheer up your day. I hope it will be well received, namely cute parrots.

Making a parrot is very simple and easy so anyone can easily do it as long as it is appropriate and follow the following steps that I share so that with these steps you will be able to create a happy family without a lot of capital.

With Origami paper, you can make your little cousin happy and enjoy playing at home, he will even remember you every day, I'm happy, I'm family and I love all of your little brothers.

So, just go straight to making a parrot using Origami paper with a complete tutorial from materials to completion

Ingredients for making parrots

  • Glue


  • Scissors


  • Fountain pen


  • 9 colorful Origami papers


All ingredients are complete


Step steps in making a parrot

(1) The first step that must be done is to make a round shape on all the Origami paper with a pen so that it is easy to cut with scissors


(2) Then take red and white paper then stick the white on top of the red and make sure the white is smaller than the red and add enough glue so that it sticks for a long time.


(3) Then take black Origami paper and fold it inward and cut it for the bird's mouth and the rest for the parrot's eyes


(4) Then take red Origami paper and shape the parrot's body and wings according to the bird's body posture


(6) Then take colorful Origami paper then fold it into two parts and make a leo bird's tail by arranging the four colors then attaching it to the bottom as a tail and for that you just have to adjust it.


Here are some photos after so I hope you like and entertain


Parrots have become friends and look like they are flying around playing and seeing the beauty of nature hehehe but behind all that this bird has its own charm where this bird is cute and beautiful

For those of you who like this bird, keep following this tutorial and good luck, hope it works


About me

My full name is aries bin muhammad, many friends on the nest platform call my name ari or aries, I come from the country of Indonesia which is specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 2006 until now I have completed high school education. I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @aries12


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You're welcome @aries12! Have a nice day 😊👍

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