Make a beautiful chicken with Origami paper

in Hive Diy8 months ago


Hello friends, everyone, hive and art lovers

Now I present another unique work to entertain you and will certainly make your day happy

We already understand that the world of art will show some unique works and sometimes beyond human reasoning, but that's what happened when I visited several friends' posts on the hive platform

They are very good at art so that with this community I can create and see all my friends' posts and learn well so that day by day my knowledge and experience increases.

So, on this occasion I will work with art from Origami paper and will make a chicken

Chickens are diligent animals and become an alarm for humans at a predetermined time and will crow and at that time humans will understand

Here are the ingredients for making chicken

  • Origami Paper


  • Scissors


  • Markers


  • Glue


All ingredients with complete


Here's how to make chicken

(1) The first is to fold the Origami paper into right and left triangles, then fold four paper cones inward, precisely in the middle


(2) Then do the same thing on the Origami paper by folding each cone into two layers then opening it then folding it into two parts in a triangular shape.


(3) After that, fold the top cone into the first and second layers, then lift the right cone upwards and lift the left cone upwards.


(4) Then take the top cone, we fold it down to make the chicken's mouth, pay attention to the shape of the chicken's body so that it looks good, then take glue and cut out the parts that are not neat so that the chicken has a good shape and is not easily damaged.


(5) Then we make the cock's quills and flail so that it looks like a real chicken, then stick the quill on the top of the head and the rag under the mouth, then make the chicken's eyes with a black marker.


Here are some photos after it was finished with this unique and beautiful chicken covering the shape of a sedan sitting and looking


Chickens are our role model animals, where every morning chickens wake up earlier than humans and wake humans up with their alarm

The chicken is ready, friends, and it's very beautiful. I hope you like it and are entertained. Good luck trying this tutorial, friends. I hope it's useful


About me

My full name is aries bin muhammad, many friends on the nest platform call my name ari or aries, I come from the country of Indonesia which is specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 2006 until now I have completed high school education. I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @aries12


a cute little chicken. 🐔

Thank you very much, I hope you like and useful

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Thank you very much

Awesome 💟 it's definitely a craft. You have to have patience and concentration. I would like to know the exact size of the origami paper please! 📄. And the second question is what command was used to place these 4 images together 🙆🏻‍♀️? Thank you 😊 have a great weekend. I was pleased to see this artwork. 💟

Origami paper size 16×16 cm

The reason for uniting the image is clear friends so that the post is more interesting and good as well as visitors easier to understand

Good luck friends, hopefully useful and successful

Thank you 💟 I will put myself into practice ☺️ have a great weekend to you.

You have a talent with origami, it's interesting work you do. Maybe you could add more text to the images to better describe each step.

Best regards!

Thank you very much for visiting as well as the best advice I will try to be more detailed in the tutorial hopefully easy to understand