Red roses are my gift to lovers of this community

in Hive Diy7 months ago


Hello art lovers

How are you all friends, now we meet again and work as before after undergoing treatment at Arun Batuphat Hospital, Lhokseumawe. I hope this doesn't happen again and we are ready to work as before and to the community admins I apologize for those who have been inactive this week.

As a starting point for the meeting, I presented this flower and I as a gift to @equipodelta who always gives me enthusiasm for my work and hopes that I can always display something attractive so that beautiful eyes can see it.

As we know, roses tell us about love in this flower like a feeling of affection and give a beautiful impression and memories so that even though I'm gone, this flower will be a memory for all of you.

Below I will tell you how to make it and the ingredients and step by step until completion

Ingredients that need to be prepared to make roses

  • Red rubber


  • Green Origami Paper


  • 6 red Origami papers


  • Scissors


All ingredients with complete


How to make roses after the ingredients are ready

(1) Take red Origami paper, fold it into two parts, then fold the bottom and top cone shapes, then fold them to the middle, left and right.


(2) Then fold it in the middle and form a sharp bottom and top then put it together into three parts then combine everything and tie it with red rubber because the flowers are red


(3) The next step, friends, open the taxi ties again and replace the first and second layers of Origami paper so that they form a rose


(4) Then I cut green Origami paper to make rose leaves in small shapes according to the shape of the flower



(5) Then make a rose leaf stem by folding it into a round shape like a pen and joining it well


(6) Then make stem leaves and prove them well by folding the paper in two layers then take scissors and make a leaf shape on the edge


(7) Then stick it on the left and right stems to make it more beautiful and similar to the original


You can see how beautiful this rose is in a flowerpot and it looks beautiful



All the tutorials are complete and ready for practice, friends, and I hope you really like this tutorial, especially as this flower can be made as a gift for the person you love, it's fun too, right?


About me

My full name is aries bin muhammad, many friends on the nest platform call my name ari or aries, I come from the country of Indonesia which is specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born in 2006 until now I have completed high school education. I like interesting and unique things and I am also a lover of photography and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share about photography, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @aries12


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Hi @steemflow

Thank you very much for visiting and support

Hi, how nice you got it, you have talent.