Dried apple dolls

in Hive Diy3 years ago

Hello there !

This is my first post in Hive DIY and I would like to show you a fun project from a couple of years ago.

I like to make dolls as a hobby and I accidentally found out I could use apples to make old people.

The recipe is pretty simple. The apples were first peeled then carved with the facial features and soaked in lemon juice with salt so they won't rot. They were left to dry for several weeks.

When completely dry they were covered with matte varnish and attached to their bodies which were made from different materials such as natural clay, air dry clay, paper, masking tape and wire.

Due to the individual effects drying produces, each doll is unique.

Thank you soooo much for looking !12400648_1073367429369723_2071973545149906754_n.jpg






wow !!!! But what an interesting and bizarre project !! I love how you managed to find a technique to achieve something as difficult to achieve as wrinkles. I admit that they scare me a bit, but that doesn't mean they stop looking amazing to me !! Good job!!

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Thank you so much. Yeah, I am more into scary stuff in general but if you Google "dried apples doll" you'd see some really cute dolls, maybe less scary or not at all.

Those dolls are very cool, they really give me a terror atmosphere haha.