Arts In my School

in Hive Diylast month

Art is life. Even God himself is a very creative artist of all kinds. Nature can cite me, right? The rainbows, clouds, trees, landscapes, seas and everything around us are all arts. But what I have noticed is that humans give more attention to human-made artworks and less notice to the artworks made free and long-lasting by nature.

As my participation in the daily Inleo prompts, I will be sharing with everyone here some amazing works of art from my school. My school has a lot of departments in it. The different departments often compete on who is to be more noticed on the campus. The school supports such healthy competition to encourage creativity in students of the different departments. Though I belong to the sciences, I will never be partial to say that the art department is the most noticed and creative on the campus. The artworks they make and position at different spots around the campus have made the place more than a park or tourist center. The first day I stepped into the university, I looked at these artworks and I lost track of my movement. They all look so amazing and have great meanings behind them.

Let me not beat about the bush, let's go into the main facts; the artworks, their location, and the original makers of the artworks. So we go, let's settle the part of "their location", all the artworks I am going to share are in the Convocation Park of the University of Uyo. The original makers of these artworks are credited to the school arts sector and management. Now, let us get to the artworks and their meanings.

The artwork above is a sculpture of a young boy at his youthful age living his free life and calming his spirit with some songs playing from the headphones. Speaking from the dress, the necklace and the shoes, the boy looks fresh and must be the type that may love to show off, hehe.

The second sculpture above shows the extraordinary power of a woman. It tries to explain the unspeakable strength of the feminine gender. The sculpture shows a woman who had broken the chains used to bind her down. The sculpture also shows freedom and strength. The strength of the woman enabled her to set herself free.

The last and most interesting but tricky sculpture is the sculpture above. The first time I saw this amazing sculpture, it took me some minutes to realize the real meaning of the artwork. Looking carefully and properly applying every one of our senses, a sharp person would notice that the sculpture shows a man who in front appears to be a pastor and a good man but behind him is a murderer, a killer, a very bad person. The sculpture simply denotes hypocrisy. It can be related to the life of a student who when he returns home pretends to have studied in school but when he leaves his parents becomes a campus cultist, a gang leader or a very bad person.

The artwork has a lot of lessons to pass. I love them so much but the only issue I have is with the school management. I feel disappointed with the negligence of the school management in caring for this artwork. They now have algae and spirogyra growing on them. The sun, rain, few, heat and pressure are directly exerted on these artworks and they constantly lose quality.

This is my participation in the #mayinleo daily prompts organized by the Inleo initiative. The link to this post will be threaded to @leogrowth.
Thanks for reading my post.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Excellent statues, @captainman, I liked it very much, I love art in any manifestation, happy weekend, greetings from me and my family 🌹🌷🪷🪻💐💮🌸🥀🌼🌺🌻☘️

Thanks so much friend.
I hope you are having great times over there in Venezuela. It's just early morning here though, just waking to see you left some heartwarming comment just made me happy.
The statues are really amazing.
I am happy for you and your family, you all have a splendid weekend too. Bye!

Making a statue of that magnitude must take effort and time, that is why it must be valued and it is good that it is in a university area, so generations of students can appreciate them, greetings and blessings

You are absolutely right.
Thanks for checking up on my post @liyuxiexie. It has gone a long way to making feel appreciated.
I love the gift you made in your last post, I must say it is more than just awesome. I really love it.

 last month  

You just reminded me of my days in Uniuyo. I often visit the art department and sometimes join their classes despite the fact that my course of study was entirely different from Fine Art.

I have some shots of these art works you share and many more...these works usually inspire me to visit town camp.

Though I was in Uyo last year, I am planning to visit there again this year.

I guess you didn't see my earlier post on this.

Can you please send me the link. I am so curious!!

Lol, no need for the link. It is actually a comment on this your post. Check the original post.

Alright going to check it out, boss.

@maxwellmarcusart just send me the link thanks.