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RE: I made Luna a Barbie house for Christmas 🎄(plus frequency devices update)

in Hive Diy6 months ago

That plate is stunning! Just so beautiful!

I'm with you on the Barbie thing and just last night I was talking about how my sister and I got Barbie and Skipper from Christmas one year. Neither of us were girls who played with dolls much so it was an odd thing to receive.

But I love the house you made with no glue and I'm sure it will give her many hours of pleasure playing with it.


Am really pleased you find the plate beautiful. Must admit I like this one too much to give away and it currently sits in our living room. The one I pulled out of its mold just now I love even more. This one is a gift for Sabrina and I can't show you yet...

I assumed all little girls like playing with dolls so it is good to learn this is not the case and am wondering now if dolls are not perhaps a relatively modern invention, designed to distract little girls from developing in harmony with nature? Just a thought.

All the best to you 🌟