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RE: Calling All Bookworms & Reading Bugs – Welcome to LeoBooks!

in LeoBooks7 months ago

from this list, the one I’d be most interested in is the Stephen King one. I really enjoyed some of his writing when I was a kid, very specific things like the way he weaved together different characters stories. It’s hard to remember but the books that stood out the most were Dead Zone and Hearts and Atlantis. It might be good advice since I also write fiction.

Also would like to read Peterson. I don’t agree with him on everything and sometimes I find him a bit dry and jarring to listen to but I think he’s an important voice and he makes some brilliant connections. I’ll get around to both!


Yes, the Stephen King one is interesting as it's a non-fiction and is giving tips to writers, so worth a look.

As for Peterson, I feel the same. In fact I touch on this in the article… he's not to everyone's taste but is still worth hearing out with some interesting ideas. We can all judge for ourselves ultimately and live our lives accordingly.

Enjoy! :)