A photography of Terrible caterpillar

Hi friends how are you all and I wish you good health. Today I will talk about an insect that scares me. Yes I am talking about a scary caterpillar. It is a very scary looking insect and very harmful to a body. In our country, this type of insect is usually seen more during summer. If this insect touches our body then the body starts itching at a fast speed which is harmful to our body. I have taken some pictures of this terrible caterpillar with my own mobile in different shapes which are given below.











The terrible caterpillar I found in the leaves of a creeper tree south of my house and it lay there among the leaves.Every person is afraid of this insect.Because there are many types of hairs in this insect, if it touches any body, the body starts to itch and eventually pain starts in that part of the body.I also see this insect occasionally in the fields south of our house in various crops.These insects are mostly found in the leaves of crop plants and it poisons the leaves.The dreaded caterpillar that I have discussed is actually a truly terrifying insect that can cause pain and severe damage to any part of the human body if it touches it.

Anyway, this insect is very scary but I find it very beautiful.So I tried to take some nice pictures.These insects are usually found nesting on the leaves of various plants or under the leaves or in the lower part of the tree branches.The body of this insect had different colors and its legs are not visible in the picture but it is very scary.I took some pictures with my mobile and I am sharing the pictures with my community friends to make them very happy.Finally I would like to say that this insect is a small insect and not too long but very fat.And any person will be scared to see this insect body which I was also scared while taking the picture.