Genus Xenocatantops

Latin nameobservation dateLocation
Genus Xenocatantops14-05-2024Sawang - Aceh Utara

do you know about the Genus Xenocatantops? This is a group of grasshoppers that has unique characteristics and is interesting to study. The genus Xenocatantops is included in the Acrididae family and is widespread in tropical and subtropical areas.

In general, this grasshopper has a slender body shape, with a length of about 2-3 centimeters, while the body color varies from green to brown as I shared today, the wings of an adult grasshopper are long and transparent, you can see all the veins in the wings, and This makes it easier for this grasshopper to fly and avoid predators. On the other hand, this grasshopper generally eats grass, wild plants, agriculture and also host plants. This grasshopper also has an above average ability to adapt to the environment.

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LocationSawang - Aceh Utara